Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A predicament that needs solving...

I guess I shouldn't have talked him up yesterday. The older guy who keeps making a point of saying hello, found me on my commute home yesterday. It was like something out of a nightmare. I left work like usual, went into the metro station and got on the escalator. It was pretty crowded on the platform, and people were rushing around, so I ducked out of the line of people headed up the platform early. As I did, I saw that the guy, who I've been trying like mad to duck, had been right behind me. To say that didn't make me happy was an understatement. :(

So, moving fast, I tried to lose myself in the crowd. The train was so crowded, I thought there was no way, he'd find me. I wound up switching cars (as I do every weekday evening), to be closer to my transfer point. When I did, I spotted him. I was hoping that he hadn't spotted me first, but I guess my blessings(luck/however you want to refer to it) ran out. He not only spotted me, but he sought me out in order to touch me on the arm and say something that I couldn't catch. Now, this is the second time that he has gone out of his way to touch me, and I wasn't happy the first time. I don't know why this man is so dense. If someone was avoiding me, I think I'd take the hint and try to at least say some of my dignity. I'm backing away, saying and shaking my head "No.", while trying to excuse myself to people whose paths, I'm obstructing. Like I said, it was like something out of a nightmare. To make matters worse, we were getting off at the same stop. I let the gap between us get really wide, so that he'd take the hint. When I got to the platform on the upper level, I didn't see him again. I do not want this to get any worse. If I report him to someone though, I run the risk of him finding out not only my name, but where I work in the building. Once that happens, I'm afraid that he'll become even more persistent and then I'll never be able to get rid of him. I definitely am not going to let him run me away from my job, because I actually like it and for once, I'm making fairly good money.
He's already effecting how I do things, because now I have to go out of my way to change my schedule or my path, just to avoid him. I don't want to give him any more power. I'm seriously hoping he got the hint yesterday. This is turning into a bigger pain, than I ever thought it would.

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