Wednesday, March 25, 2009

20th Anniversary of Pearl Jam's Ten

I'm thrilled and gobsmacked all at once.
I loved Pearl Jam's Ten, it was one of those casettes I could put in my walkman and listen to all the way through (Right on up there with Pink Floyd's Wish You Were Here). I know "State of Love and Trust" is on the deluxe edition. That was on the Singles soundtrack. (I think the band was in the film too, if I remember correctly. That tickled me no end. Chris Cornell was in it too. Soundgarden...There was some stuff of theirs I definitely loved as well. But I digress.) I actually liked "Breath" from the Singles soundtrack better than "State of Love and Trust". Still, I'm anxious to see what the other extra songs are on the 20th anniversary CD and what they sound like.

But where do they get the math from? I thought Ten was released in 1991. I had just started college that year...(Yes, I feel positively ancient right now, thank you for asking.) Whatever the case, good music is good music and it stands the test of time.

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