Tuesday, August 9, 2011

True Blood Season 4, Episode 7 "Cold Grey Light of Dawn" Contains spoilers

Jason - What's Crystal going to say/do when she finds out Jason isn't a werepanther?  She is so not playing with a full deck. 

Jesus - I was glad to see him stand up to his abuelo.  He needed to do it. 

Lafayette - So he's a medium too, huh?  For some reason, all I kept thinking about when he was in the diner was Whoopi Goldberg in Ghost .  How is everyone going to respond to this.  I know Sookie won't treat Laffy like a freak, but Arlene...smdh. 

Tara - I don't think she should have sent Naomi off.  I know she was trying to protect her...but I just don't feel like that was a good/smart choice...

Bill -  I had a bad feeling about him not using more silver to chain up Jessica, and I was right.  He's made some pretty crappy decisions as King so far...I would like to see this change. 

Alcide  - Who knew?

Debbie - She's going to drive Alcide away herself and then blame Sookie.  I'm almost sure of it. 

Marnie/ Antonia  - She's going to be tough to beat...Extremely tough.  I have a feeling Lafayette and Jesus are only part of the equation. 

Ghost Lady/Mavis -

Tommy - He's going to come back, just like a boomerang or a bad penny.  Watch. 

Sam -  Why would you let someone out of your sight that can shapeshift into you????!!!!  I thought he was smarter than this.  He was angry I know, but he definitely didn't think that through. 

Luna - I'm glad she's not dense and it didn't take more than one episode to convince her it wasn't really Sam that she was with. 

Holly and Andy - I wanted that date to work so badly.  :(

Beulah - It would have been nice to get to know her before she became a crispy critter.  }: ( 

Pam - She's going through a lot...hope it works. 

Ginger - She is a laugh riot.  I don't know that the chainmail is going to hold Pam, unless she had silver chains in addition to the chainmail.  The way Pam was making that coffin bounce, I think Ginger better call for reinforcements. 

Eric and Sookie - They are killing me softly, but I love every minute of it. 

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