Monday, July 16, 2012

For what it's worth...

I've never been all that chatty, but lately I find myself withdrawing even more. A lot of it has to do with work...I don't really want to elaborate, at least not at this time.

Then a lot of stuff I don't want to talk about because I don't want to seem like a Debbie Downer or someone who wants to be babied. Treated fairly, yes. Although, I'm finding out rather painfully, even that can be subjective.
Stuff could be going worse...but it could be going better too. I guess I'm just trying to figure how much is my doing and how to fix it.

Waiting to see if there will be fallout from my two worlds colliding on fb. I knew it was inevitable, but I was hoping to be a bit more in control of how stuff went down.

I'm still plugging away at vo training. I had to take a break because of health issues I'm still having. They're minor nbd. I'm trying to do a little more Chinese Brush Painting too.

If I can get myself together, I'd love to go see Dark Knight Rises this weekend.

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