Lafayette...I can't say enough, how happy I am that they let the character live on the show...He makes the series for me.
Sam...His family is a sort of understand the kid brother's resentment though...It'll be interesting to see how or when he gets over it...I'd love to know what the mother's deal is...She seems very passive aggressive...I don't like how she made excuses for hubby getting drunk either.
Tara...I would love just once for her to have a healthy relationship. S1...she's crushing on Jason and pushing Sam away...S2...there was Eggs and Maryann's role in that whole thing. S3...I forgot vamp dude's name, but he just rolled her both literally and figuratively...I understand that she was vulnerable, but Sheesh! I'd love it if she'd catch a break...if only because of what her mother put her through.
Arlene...I wish she'd have told Terry the truth while the getting was good...she could have gotten a word in edgewise if she'd wanted to. I don't think he'd have left her...Now, he very well might. a trip. She is another character that makes the show that much more entertaining.
Jessica...I knew not getting rid of that body was going to bite her in the a#!. I just wasn't sure how...
Sheriff Dearborne...quitting...I laughed aloud at that speech...(Not as hard as I did at that Snoop Dogg video for Sookie, but that's another post altogether.)
Eric...he didn't really grab my attention this week...
Alcide...Oh yeah! and bouncer dude [wish I'd caught a name. *sighs*] he was getting info from...Lets hear it for the werewolves! Mmmm Mmmm Mmmm.
Bill...I didn't know whether to feel bad for him or creeped out or both and what he did to Lorena or what she let him do to her...I thought he was going to kill her at first...then she kept talking and seemed to enjoy it...What woman would get off on that? To be that deeply in love (or to be that determined not to let go) is just crazy scary to me . Then you had that imagery...That's going to stick with me for a long time and not in a good way. I know Sookie would probably be sickened if she knew...As sneaky/manipulative as Eric can be, I'm not sure she'll go running into his arms either...I know how the books go though, so this paves the way nicely...
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