I wanted to post a poem, that didn't work out...words never flow out of me as easily as pictures seem too, and even they take time...
Lately, I've been noticing the question what is your favorite MJ era a lot. Or people will favor pics from a certain time. I've got a co-worker that likes nothing beyond Thriller. A lot of people are like that...I'm not arguing what defines a true fan...that would be silly, because it's all subjective. What I can blog about is why I can't seem to pick a favorite look or era...I like something from each...Some fans would be upset with me for picking a "beauty pageant" answer, but I honestly don't have a favorite look or era, because I like a little something from each.
That's what's going to make selecting a picture for this blog post difficult as well.
I'll break it down like this...
The J5 era I associate with my mother. She first got me into Michael Jackson. She had the J5 Christmas album and 1 one the singles (Get It Together/Touch), she had another single, but it got lost. :(
The OTW era...I associate with holiday parties and having fun with relatives, which I miss greatly.
The Thriller era...Who doesn't have a story to put here? My mother bought the album...Our dad and mother got us T-shirts, badges, the dolls...I loved the album it reminds me of better times as well...Or maybe it's just me waxing nostalgic...music helps with that doesn't it? Music soothes, music heals.
Bad...I'll confess, I didn't like this as much as Thriller as a whole, but I did love Liberian Girl. If it wasn't for Moonwalker, I don't think I'd like Speed Demon at all. Smooth Criminal grew on me after I saw the short film (The Gangster era, the lean...I just loved it...My parents got me into loving watching films, both old and new...so I just ate Michael's use of the short film up. It's one of the things that I'll sorely miss now that he's gone...There are people who try to come close, but no one is the same...He was one of a kind.). I also loved I Just Can't Stop Loving You...and then I found out Michael did a Spanish version...Oh Man! What I'm after now (when I can afford it again of course), is the ever elusive French version...To hear him speaking different languages...even watching TII. That does something to a woman...I'm telling you. :D
Dangerous...This is an album I wound up revisting...I love the title cut. If I had to pick a second favorite album, this would be it...And again, the short films helped enhance what was already there in the music...I loved Give In to Me, In the Closet, Remember the Time, Who Is It? [Check out the version of Who Is It? on the Dangerous DVD...I don't know why MTV used the compiled footage one...the David Fincher short film...it just left me wanting more...I love compiled footage, but it didn't fit the song.]
History ...Sadly I never bought, because I thought it was just a greatest hits album, and because of my budget I couldn't afford to keep rehashing certain things...Sometimes that hurts to do as a fan...but everybody isn't rich...I'm not saying it to whine, just stating fact. :) I intend to revisit it first chance I get. I do remember I loved most all the singles off History though (Scream, Earth Song, They Don't Really Care About Us, You Are Not Alone.) . I didn't hear Stranger in Moscow until last year though and when I saw the short film, which I'd also never seen, I wanted to cry.
Blood on the Dance Floor... I love Morphine and the Ghosts soundtrack...I didn't listen to the remixes...as I tend to be something of purist where that's concerned...It has to be a kickass mix to convince me...There are some mixologists/DJ's that can do it...I don't think it's something just anyone can do though and there's too many bad or lame remixes floating around out there for me.
Invincible...My favorite album...I love Butterflies, Break of Dawn, 2000 Watts, Whatever Happens, Don't Walk Away...This, Off the Wall, Thriller, and the This Is It Soundtrack are basically the only CD's I can listen to all the way through and not skip a single song...I can't say that about a lot of artists.
I've got my eye on The Collection and Ultimate Collection now...if someone other than Sony releases some other songs...I'm all for it...I'm trying to be a good girl about that kind of thing...plus, Michael Jackson was such a perfectionist...I know he wouldn't want stuff floating around that wasn't finished...I think the thing that's so tempting, is even with something half-finished, you can see the promise of what could have been and that alone is something to hold on to, especially when you know Michael won't be around to release more...As a lover of music, I can definitely say again that the loss of Michael Jackson is a hard thing to bear.
His looks over the years...as I said when you truly love someone, you love them with all their flaws...Do I think he should've stopped a few surgeries ago with his nose? Yes, but it was Michael's face, you know?
I love you, Michael and I miss you.
Thanks so much for the comment on my blog and for following me...I greatly appreciate that....And i greatly appreciate this post.
ReplyDeleteI love how you really go in depth about each one of his albums..And those pics are amazing. You are so right, pictures speak louder than words at times.