Monday, June 7, 2010

Slowly, but surely...

Not too much to report...
I did some housecleaning this weekend. I recycled a great deal and reclaimed some of my bedroom space. I will tackle the closets hopefully next weekend...I have similar work to do at my dad's apartment...He wants me to do this 4th of July weekend...I would like to negotiate...Plus, I actually do some of my best work when he's not standing over me or giving me negative running commentary...There are times when he can be absolutely wonderful...but then there are others when I just dread coming over...(but I imagine this is the case with a lot of people and their parents...although it seems to vary across cultures...generation gaps, etc.) It's something I always think about, because I don't want to do him wrong and have it come back on me...No matter how hard he is to get along with at times, he's still my father...I have no earthly idea what to get him for Father's Day either...

I had library books I was raising to get finished, so I didn't get to draw like I wanted to. I attempted one drawing with charcoal, but it didn't turn out right...I'm going to try something a little different and see if that does it...I didn't want to get stuck in one MJJ era though...

Fried and baked some swai over the weekend...It didn't taste that different to me from some of the blander fish I've tried, like tilapia and whiting. I want to see if swordfish is more flavorful...There was another type of fish I wanted to try too, but the name escapes me. I love catfish, but I'd hate to get sick of it, I know there have to be more flavorful types of fish out there...I'm also going to try and see if I can't get some thyme and rosemary and learn to cut up some onions. I baked some chicken over the weekend too and it was terribly bland, if I do say so myself. Even the gravy (Heinz and canned and [way too salty probably] didn't help.) At least I'm learning...

Maybe I'll work some more on my tree drawing this evening after I run to the library...It's beautiful outside...It might even help me get to sleep.


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