Monday, August 30, 2010
True Blood 2nd to last ep of the season "Fresh Blood"
Bill --
Sookie - Now Sookie wants to finally wake up to what Tara had to say to her? I guess better late than never.
Jesus and Lafayette --I've got mixed feelings about the use of V and what was going on with the dolls...I know they'll talk about this on Racialicious. :)
Sam --I've got issues with the fact that sex with Tara is part of his rampage...Why couldn't they get together without that? (If it was even a good idea for them to hook up at all. I kind of wanted them to get together, but not like this.)
Russell--I hope he's the one to go.
Jessica and Hoyt--I love it! I wish Hoyt's mother would just untie the apron strings already. I also never saw it coming that she and Summer were in cahoots.
Pam--Silver mace...
Ginger--How long can they keep doing that to her, before they have to find a replacement? That poor baby. lol
Tara--So is she blackmailing Andy Bellefleur now?
Jason and Crystal--
Eric--Just when he was starting to get interesting I would hate to see the character go. (I can't believe I'm saying it, but yeah...)
Yvetta-- A cardiologist. Who knew? Can't believe she actually managed to tie Pam up.
Terry and Arlene--I had mixed feelings about this...It cracked me up that Arlene was wrong about the baby being gone and how psyched Terry was. He's a gem.
The In Memoriam reel...That was crazy. I also had confirmation that Diane is no more. Some deaths I forgot about, like the cat. lol
Monday, August 23, 2010
Last Night's True Blood ep "I Smell a Rat" or The Truth Comes Out (Contains Spoilers!)
Crystal --I loved that reveal. Too bad we have to wait until next week to see more of Jason's response.
Lafayette and Jesus--I like how that was filmed. It was kind of trippy and I also feel like there was some social commentary going on there. Vodoun, Native American religious practices, South American American and Carribean religious practices seems like there's more in common there than isn't if you follow what I'm saying.
Sam--That was kind of jarring to me to see him as a grifter. It also put his response to his family in a different light. He wanted to help them, but at the same time, he seemed to want to distance himself from that shady part of his past. I think he also sees a lot of himself in Tommy.
Hoyt and Jessica--I hope they're back together. It made me so happy that Tommy wasn't able to come between them. I'd like to see him with someone good for him, just not Jessica. I also loved it when Jessica let Arlene have it. I don't think it sunk in, but still. :)
Bill-- I want to believe he loves her, I really do. The burning cross on his and Jessica's first I felt odd about it...Then I realized Bill and Jessica were both made vampires against their will. I wouldn't change mine for a second, but race/ethnicity can definitely be something, that you're given a hard time (understatement I know, but please bear with me.) over if you're the odd one out, that you didn't pick. I think other minority viewers will have interesting things to say about this as well. It also wouldn't kill Ball to add some more minority vampires. Was Diane staked? Or is this just a matter of that odd TV thing where a "white" show only has so many characters of color perhaps because they have few writers of color? This is definitely stuff I think about regardless of how much I'm enjoying an episode.
Sookie--I knew her secret, what I found funny was her response to it.
Eric--I didn't know whether he was having everybody on last night, or he really was feeling down. I don't know what to make of his "true" feelings for Sookie either. I don't even think she does.
Arlene--I was so proud of her for finally telling Terry the truth I didn't know what to do. I wish she wasn't so dead set on getting rid of the baby or thinking it's evil. I think that ultimately will be the thing that destroys things between her and Terry.
And Terry --Rare are the men who would do this. He is truly one of my favorite characters on the show.
Alcide --No Alcide last night. I'm truly po'd. (Unless I blinked and missed him which I doubt. I don't blink when I see him. Period.)
Tara -- I didn't expect her to respond to Jason's confession last night the way she did. I know she confronts Andy next week though.
Pam -- No love lost between her and Sookie I see.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
What I'm working on now

Twitter's just batting a 1000
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Fail whale, Hump Day, etc.
I have no idea what happened that I've encountered Twitter's fail whale for the first time in like weeks, but I'll try back later. It's funny I never thought I'd care about getting on Twitter this much. I guess because I never thought I'd become fairly decent at microblogging.
I want to paint this weekend and finally get a printer cable.
I'm toying with the idea of going to the art supply store Friday, but it depends on how I feel.
I haven't felt like myself lately...I know it's partially due to stress, can't figure out if the rest is the weather, chemical or what...
I'm wrapping up reading Star Island. That is a crazy book. This is the first time I've read a Hiaasen book. I've never seen (or read) Strip Tease either. I'm also reading Janet Evanovich's Sizzling Sixteen. I already know those books are crazy. I saw Jackie Brown on cable a few weeks ago and that inspired me to go get Rum Punch from the library. I already know most of the changes made, but I still want to see what the book is like.
Monday, August 16, 2010
FYI about Death at a Funeral
Review of True Blood ep Everything is Broken (contains spoilers!)
Crystal--She was getting on my nerves with that going back and forth stuff, and I know how it gets when self preservation kicks in, but still that was rough.
Sam's little brother-- forgot his name, but he showed his a#$ in more ways than one.
No wonder Sam went off last night.
Arlene--Kudos to her for finally telling Terry the baby isn't his. I'm not sure what the outcome will be though.
Hadley--At least she and Sookie get to meet, unlike in the books. I forgot the son's name...I didn't think they would get to him this fast, but they did. Maybe they're speeding things up a bit to give them room to play...Either that or the show is only supposed to run a set number of seasons. I know one thing, I've definitely been enjoying the ride.
Claudine--And again I ask, will there be a Claude ?
Lafayette and Jesus--Wonderful!
Ruby Jean--She cracked me up last night.
Jason--The fact that he did what he did almost makes up for Eggs. Almost. I still don't know if Tara will be able to forgive him for that.
Hoyt and Jessica--I wish they'd just go on and get back together. Yeah they've got issues, but it seems to me they can't be worked out or around or whatever... Stepford girl (forgot her name and sometimes Imdb is no help whatsoever.) needs to go and Sam's little brother keeps getting in the way. If he were more like Sam, I might like him for Jessica, but he's not, so I don't.
Pam --Who'd have thought she'd expose a soft side? I've said it once, I'll say it again. I love this character.
Nan--Can't believe she called Eric "a little bit#%". Eric!
Eric--I'm curious to see how he'll defeat King Russell.
King Russell --I knew he'd gone bye-bye when he was running around speaking to Talbot.
Holly--I think she was younger in the book and she had a boyfriend she accidentally turned into a cat if memory serves...
Tara --I understood why the character (A lot of my relatives have this same view of shrinks.) wouldn't want to go to a shrink, but I couldn't understand what would make her pick a support group instead. That's worse to me (especially after she said she didn't want to spill her guts to a stranger.)...but to each her own I guess.
Alcide--Not enough of him this week, not by a long shot. And three episodes left?
Felton and Calvin -- I don't remember them being this nasty in the book. I think they're mixing characters again and trying to simplify for TV.
Ginger--Never a dull moment...I wondered what had happened to her.
Whew! I think that's everybody...Is it just me or do these lists get longer every week?
Birthday shoutouts
My aunt's birthday is also today. Happy B-day Aunt Carolyn!
Friday, August 13, 2010
Here we are again...
I think I'll make a point of watching a funny movie this weekend Death at a Funeral just came out on DVD, maybe I'll watch that.
I'm behind on getting my art projects that I've completed so far [You know it's bad when another artist friend goes "Say, whatever happened to that piece you were working on with the? :D Sometimes I need a fire lit under my a#$ though. So I appreciate her message.]...This is partially because I'm having printing problems at home that I didn't anticipate. Then some unforeseen expenses cropped up (medical, first time Pepco AC fiasco, etc.). So, I've had to budget pretty carefully to keep from running around begging and I definitely don't want to hit up what's left of my IRA...I'm trying to think of a safety net for myself regarding emergencies that won't kill me at tax time or take a huge chunk of my paycheck...Relief may be coming soon, but I'm not sure...
Saw some tips Beverly Johnson posted yesterday. I had a berry smoothie and already my energy level is slightly better than yesterday. I also keep hearing sticking to a seafood/veggie/fruit diet might help too. That's difficult for me though, with a limited budget and transportation...I'm not giving up by any means...but it'll definitely be slow going.
I have so much straightening up around the apartment to do, that it's not even funny. :( I especially dread cleaning the oven.
I feel like I'm forgetting something, but I can't think what...Oh well. My mother used to tease me when I did this and say that if I forgot maybe it wasn't all that important. : D I miss her a lot. I have no idea what to get NE aunt for her bday...and I'm running out of time...I'm hoping I'll be able to do better for everyone around Christmas time, but lately nothing ever comes off like I plan it. Which, believe it or not is also teaching me a lesson or two.
Off to my dad's this evening. Wish I wasn't so tired. He seems to think there'd be a difference if I waited until tomorrow morning, but it'd be slim at best. Bottom line, we give it our best shot, we do what we can and that's it.
Monday, August 9, 2010
True Blood "Night on the Sun" Contains Spoilers!
Tara...she'll be ok. It took her a while to snap out of it, but she's human... I love how Lafayette is there for her. Sam was there for her too last night. It made me long for what they could have had first season...
Jason and Crystal...I know where that's heading, don't want to give too much away, because I've read the books.
Jesus and Lafayette...Wish we knew more about Jesus...Guess the reveal will be slow if at all...
Ruby a trip. I'm dying to know what Lafayette's special power is...I don't think it's metaphorical and I so don't want this show to jump the shark.
Eric...I'll never be able to figure him out. I think that's a tremendously good thing. I knew he had revenge on his mind, but the way he went about it.
Hadley...I'm wondering if they'll diverge from the books with her too.
Sam's Mom...As heavy as she made that suitcase look, I would swear she left out of there with more than what they came in with.
Arlene...I almost feel sorry...
Jessica...She catches on fast and she wants to learn...I love this first I didn't think I would, but she's definitely growing on me. She didn't sit there and cower after King Russell was through with her either. I loved that! She turned the tables on Gus (I'm going to miss him...). I wish she and Hoyt would get back together.
Bill and Sookie...I know it's an old song, but everytime they start up Lauryn Hill's "Ex-Factor" just keeps playing in my head.
The fight between Sookie and Debbie (Man! That woman has a potty mouth!)...I enjoyed it, but I can't help wondering how they'll top it. If they even can. (Again read the books, but the show still keeps you guessing with how it differs.)
Alcide...When is this man going to get some love? Don't think I'd be half as concerned if I didn't need a bib just to look at him, but still...WTF?!
Monday, August 2, 2010
Last night's episode of True Blood "Hitting the Ground" (contains spoilers! )
Tara...She really is a good friend to Sookie and that's all I'm going to say. Even if one thinks the other is doing a stupid thing, they still eventually back the other up. distracted as he was by Crystal, he still pulled it together to be by Sookie's side.
Bill...Did the fairy blood slow the effect of the sun's rays on him? I don't remember that happening in the books, but sometimes I like when they diverge from the books...
Claudine...I loved seeing her last night. This makes me wonder if we'll see Claude too or he'll get phased out like Bubba.
Jessica...Missed her.
Hoyt...He's clearly not happy with Summer.
Eric...He's just...last season I thought love or at least lust was motivating I'm not sure what's motivating Eric as far as Sookie is concerned. Is he telling people one thing and secretly thinking/feeling another?
Alcide...TV Guide had these collectible Team Bill and Eric covers ...What I want to know is this? Where were the Team Alcide covers? He really went above and beyond last night.
Gus (Don Swayze)...Can't remember this character in the book...Kind of wish we get to see more of him too...He's good on his own merit too, but I'd be lying if I said he didn't remind me a lot of Patrick too...
Debbie...She's a mess, but what she said last night shed a little light into why she might be such a mess. I'd like to see this explored further.
Queen Sophie Anne...She's really amusing at times...I don't think she's going to be able to outscheme the king though...They deserve each other I think...
Hadley...I'm curious about her...
The Magister...I was thrilled to see him go.
Pam...She recovered in record time and with snark intact. I love her!
Lorena...The dynamic(s) of her and Bill's relationship kind of makes me think of Darla's and Angel's relationship in the Whedonverse...
Sam...He was awesome last night. He is by far one of my favorite characters on the show.
I hope little bro doesn't make Sam sorry he rescued him. The parents...I don't know who's worse Mom or Dad... What a mess!