Thursday, August 9, 2012

Day 3 at NJCon2012

I got up early to go to the Breakfast Q and A...I think everything started a little late though.  I was too shy to ask names, but a woman asked me about the John Passarella book I was reading.  I can't remember which Supernatural book she was reading...I do remember that I'd read it and didn't find it that bad.  She said it was boring to her.  To each her own.  :) I believe she was also the one who won the centerpiece contest.  Again, I really need to get out more, so stuff won't be so awkward... I used to be better at this...

The Breakfast Q  and A, I can't give a blow by blow, because I can only remember bits and pieces...I can give a highlight though, the speed walking.  XD  Jared was saying that he didn't think speed walking should be an actual Olympic sport, then a fan asked he and Misha to race.  I got a blur and I had to be fast to get that.  It's in my tweets, if I can figure out how to get it into the blog post I will, but it's extremely difficult to do a long blog post on the iphone.  It's probably way easier to do on an iPad, but Heaven knows when I'll be able to afford one of those.

I didn't take any video this time, again 'cause I was right up front and I wasn't feeling lucky/blessed about taping.  I did take some photos.  They're split between the phone and the digital camera.  It will take a while to put them up.

I had a headache for most of the day.  My dad out of the blue when I called him advised me to drink some more water.  Eerie.

The photo ops...I have a third, but I don't want to wait anymore.  I'll just add it when it comes and you can look or not.

The Creation volunteers at the photo shoot kept urging us to ask for a hug in the shot, rather than pose and then ask for the hug...That kind of thing confuses me.  The rules for everyone say don't ask for a hug, so I didn't.   I was going to do the one armed thing and then Jared Padalecki decided to smish, so I just threw both arms around him like that.   I can't figure out whether that's disbelief on my face or I look like I'm about to cry.  Probably some mixture of both...[I was "love" this time...idek, but again, I appreciate it.]

I got to meet John Passarella, which was awesome I don't want to give spoilers to Night Terrors for those that haven't read it, but his characterization is spot on.  I also loved his pacing.  There's gross outs in it though...If you have an insect phobia, I wouldn't read this.

This is my photo op with Misha Collins and Jared Padalecki.  This is what I meant by the one-armed thing.  Not that I didn't/don't appreciate that hug...  Both were very sweet.  

Misha's and Jared's Q and A...Again, I'm having trouble remembering everything,  I tweeted some as it happened and I also know there will be vids.  As far as describing it in my own unique way, if my brain weren't like a sieve, I'd certainly try.   The point where Jared was trying to get out of Misha's jacket and dropped his phone.  Misha looked like he wanted to hurt him for a second, but they handled it.  lol   Those books on lucid dreaming...I want them.  I can't remember which panel the top hat and camouflage paint came up, but that response was...I think it stemmed from Jared's response to a Zombie Apocalypse question.  Misha talked about GISHWHES...It looks like it's challenging but a lot of fun.  I wish I had the time, money, and wherewithal to get into it.

Edwin [He was volunteering for Creation.] told me he thought my name was pretty.  Love his accent...Love it.  I enjoy a lot of different accents, including British accents.

In Misha's autograph line...I got confused and thought Waking Life is a book, it's actually a movie, but he told me there's tons of books on lucid dreaming...I'm curious about this subject, so I think I'll delve into it.

Jared's autograph line...I don't remember saying much except for Thank you.  So he signs my photo...and I'm turning to leave and he thanks me for coming to the meet and greet and then you know what he does?  He winks at me and kisses at me...I wonder what my face must have looked like?  Deer caught in headlights?  A little smile?  My c'mon now smh thing?  Or some weird combo of all three.  I'm thinking probably the last one.  Him doing that made up for all the slights/snubs I encountered off and on throughout the convention from various fans and then some.

This is where the my Misha Collins photo op will go, once I get it.  I also have something to share about his photo op too.

The photo op didn't turn out quite the way I thought...Will post it and share my story anyway though.  Plus, also bear in mind Misha had to catch a flight.  To say the line for Misha was long was an understatement.  So, I reach him and he smiles and says, "And how are we today, Madam?".  I laughed and said fine.  So, we're both smiling.  I'm thinking that's what the picture is going to look like. Not so much.  I'm also doing that thing I do where my legs aren't as close as my upper body...I'm not sure why I do it...They rush us through so fast, that really the most I can hope for is not to blink and to hold the smile.  They also don't usually give you retakes.  

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