Where do I begin? Seems like I'm always asking that with this show.
Elena--She didn't have much to do last night. :( At least IMO. Next week she will though. Very much looking forward to seeing that. The blood of the doppleganger thing...Ominous...and I still don't think the answer to the teasers is going to be as obvious as it looks. There's going to be some type of twist...
Bonnie--She's awesome in her power [To learn so much in such a short time.], but I'm concerned about those nosebleeds. Even the Charmed Ones had power of three for a reason.
}:( Cousin Lucy needs to come back for more reasons then one.
Jeremy--He's very protective and considerate towards Bonnie. I also like that he's kind taking more of an interest in what's going on around him, now that he knows what he does about Mystic Falls.
Stefan--Is the human blood making him bolder? Or is the combination of the human blood and his love for Elena? He seemed different to me last night. Like he had more of a backbone. :) I liked it.
Rose-- I'll need to see more of her, to know whether I love or hate this character yet.
Trevor--I was so sorry to see him go. :( [ First Carter, now this dude. Another character to develop and more eye candy...how is that a bad thing? Guess they figured there was too much male eye candy...Now I have an idea how the Uncle Mason fans felt a few weeks ago.]
Elijah--He terrifies me. If what's coming in the previews to Katerina is any indication. Folks are in trouble. As old as he was, I also didn't think he'd be that easy to kill. It was sloppy and it was arrogant...Beheading is the answer I think...but to fill the season they have to stretch stuff out. ;)
Tyler and Caroline--Who knew? I like the idea of this ship though. It reminds me of the Underworld series and even before that R. Chetwynd Hayes had a series of short stories...Hopefully they're still in print...but I digress...I have to wonder if Caroline telling Tyler about the supernatural history of Mystic Falls will be a hit or miss. She did at least keep her promise not to reveal anything about the others...Still once the truth comes out, she risks not only Damon's anger, but Tyler's...As I said last night, this show definitely doesn't run short on angst. Normally that gets on my nerves, but I enjoy the supernatural elements enough on this show to let it ride.
Jenna and Alaric--Didn't see them this week.
Damon--??????!!!!!!!!I'm really conflicted here. I loved the range of emotions on Damon's face when Stefan apologized for "making" him turn. Warning Caroline to stay away from Tyler...is that fear? Protectiveness? That vampire vs. werewolf prejudice thing? Some of all 3?
And finally...Damon confesses his love to Elena...that just made my jaw drop and then to say that he knew/felt that he didn't deserve and he shed a tear [I loved how artfully that scene was shot. I think showing his whole face would have been too soap opera like.]. Another thing that stuck with me, was how he could have kissed her on the mouth, but he chose the forehead...It was just truly WTF?! in one of the best ways imaginable...[Week after week this show just...smh]I think Damon might have confessed to her hoping somehow she'll remember [at least subconciously], otherwise why tell her at all? And I'm not sure how he'd feel were she to die and become a vampire... I know how the books go...but that doesn't necessarily mean that's how the show will go.
Aimee--So she's not a total red shirt. She has been missed. At least there's that.
Nitpicks : The bloodbag drinking thing. For some reason all I could imagine, was someone pulling up beside them and seeing that and asking "Dude! Is that the energy drink or the candy?" [I don't even think they'd have to compel anybody either. No one would trip. Maybe that's why they worked this in. lol]
The fight: SafiTaffy99 on Twitter, I couldn't agree more. I think the one with Katherine was better. Like I said, Lucy needs to come back. :)
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