Sorry I've been so slow posting my thoughts on Katerina.
I started it the day after and then all types of drama ensued...I may speak more on some of it and a later date.
Then my [former] chiropractor has been giving me a hard time about wanting to seek chiropractic services elsewhere. Pardon me, but isn't it the patient's right to choose what's most convenient for them? Last I checked it was. I don't like the tactics he uses to persuade people to sign up with him. If he doesn't use intimidation, it definitely comes pretty close. }:(
Then my "new" doctor's office is trying to shake me down for money after the health insurance co. already paid. I'm like WTF???!!!! Does everyone think I'm made of money?
Work...I don't even want to get started on a rant about that. :( About the only way I can think of to help myself get through it, is to take several deep breaths and say "It could be worse", which it definitely could.
I've been so drained lately, I've barely had time to read like I usually do.
I did paint some last week though. I'm hoping to get some scans up within the next few weeks.
I also finally got my second photo shoot done. I'm anxious to gain some experience, but I realize I need to be patient and a lot more flexible. More self-aware too probably...The whole thing is definitely a learning experience...But I guess you could say that about life in general.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Vampire Diaries episode "Katerina" (contains spoilers)
Bonnie-- She wasn't really hiding that she was attracted to Luka that well. I don't think she'd have responded too well had that been the other way around. But, that being said, it was nice to see her get some action, beyond helping to save Elena and The Salvatores.
Rose--Loved the scene where she turned the tables on Damon. I'll have to see more of her, but so far I like the blend of vulnerability and strength she has.
Trevor--I barely recognized him...I have a love/hate relationship with the costuming/wigs in some of the period scenes...
Don't remember seeing Tyler or Matt
No Jenna or Alaric either
Elena--I can't decide whether she was crazy or brave to do what she did regarding Katherine. Nina Dobrev was awesome last night and not too campy or over the top either. To show that Katherine does still have feelings, no matter how deeply she tries to bury them...I'm not sure a lot of actresses could have done a job of that caliber conveying that so subtly.
Stefan--I don't know how to feel about how steadfast he is in being there for Elena. She comes through for him...[The vervain in the well, etc.] Lately, it just doesn't seem like she truly appreciates him.
Elijah--How scary is it that Originals can compel other vampires? That just doesn't bode well at all. The thing with Elijah taking the change in his hand and tossing it around...I was trying to explain on Twitter last night that it reminded me of how Gambit from the X-Men can take playing cards and charge them when he throws them, but I couldn't explain the physics behind it, which frustrated me. :( [Kids stay in school! I didn't leave, but I wish I'd been better at math and physics, that's for sure.]
Slater--He was really amusing...I was sorry to see him go. [An eternal grad student...Think there's a joke there? Nah! }:)]
Luka--The warlock thing bothers me...[It probably comes from watching too much Charmed]. It'll be interesting to see whether Luka will eventually decide to assist Bonnie and the others or he's working for Elijah like his dad.
Luka's dad aka Dr. Jonas [?] Martin--Are there going to be any new Black characters on this show that aren't pawns, Evil, or just passing through? It'd be nice...
Damon -- Elijah will be out for payback and it won't be pretty. :( I know he heard that cockiness when Damon assured ? and Rose that Elijah was dead. The Rose/Damon hookup...some people believe that it was just rebound sex...I'm not sure...Then there is a strong Dalena ship out there...The writers and Kevin Williamson are very good at throwing us curveballs, so I would say almost anything is possible.
Jeremy--He took Bonnie bailing on him surprisingly well. He earns points from me for that alone.
The Originals --Someone asked if Pearl was one[in one of the conversations I had on Twitter]... We've seen European Originals, but I'd love to see An Asian Original. A Native American Original, An African Original...I think all cultures have vampire, shapeshifter, and witchcraft legends/myths. I'd like to see this reflected in the show more. Just having the Bennet witches and the ? Warlocks doesn't get it for me.
Klaus--I'm curious to see who they will cast in this role, because we've been speculating for weeks. :)
My predictions: Kevin Williamson said something about writing Damon angst. Don't know whether it's related directly to the finale or what, but I predict Elijah or Klaus is going to either make Damon do something he doesn't want to regarding Elena or he will be forced to watch while Stefan does something to Elena that neither/none of them wants. I don't believe she will die. If she does, I think it will be for a few seconds or minutes similar to what happened to Buffy in Season 1 of her show.
Rose--Loved the scene where she turned the tables on Damon. I'll have to see more of her, but so far I like the blend of vulnerability and strength she has.
Trevor--I barely recognized him...I have a love/hate relationship with the costuming/wigs in some of the period scenes...
Don't remember seeing Tyler or Matt
No Jenna or Alaric either
Elena--I can't decide whether she was crazy or brave to do what she did regarding Katherine. Nina Dobrev was awesome last night and not too campy or over the top either. To show that Katherine does still have feelings, no matter how deeply she tries to bury them...I'm not sure a lot of actresses could have done a job of that caliber conveying that so subtly.
Stefan--I don't know how to feel about how steadfast he is in being there for Elena. She comes through for him...[The vervain in the well, etc.] Lately, it just doesn't seem like she truly appreciates him.
Elijah--How scary is it that Originals can compel other vampires? That just doesn't bode well at all. The thing with Elijah taking the change in his hand and tossing it around...I was trying to explain on Twitter last night that it reminded me of how Gambit from the X-Men can take playing cards and charge them when he throws them, but I couldn't explain the physics behind it, which frustrated me. :( [Kids stay in school! I didn't leave, but I wish I'd been better at math and physics, that's for sure.]
Slater--He was really amusing...I was sorry to see him go. [An eternal grad student...Think there's a joke there? Nah! }:)]
Luka--The warlock thing bothers me...[It probably comes from watching too much Charmed]. It'll be interesting to see whether Luka will eventually decide to assist Bonnie and the others or he's working for Elijah like his dad.
Luka's dad aka Dr. Jonas [?] Martin--Are there going to be any new Black characters on this show that aren't pawns, Evil, or just passing through? It'd be nice...
Damon -- Elijah will be out for payback and it won't be pretty. :( I know he heard that cockiness when Damon assured ? and Rose that Elijah was dead. The Rose/Damon hookup...some people believe that it was just rebound sex...I'm not sure...Then there is a strong Dalena ship out there...The writers and Kevin Williamson are very good at throwing us curveballs, so I would say almost anything is possible.
Jeremy--He took Bonnie bailing on him surprisingly well. He earns points from me for that alone.
The Originals --Someone asked if Pearl was one[in one of the conversations I had on Twitter]... We've seen European Originals, but I'd love to see An Asian Original. A Native American Original, An African Original...I think all cultures have vampire, shapeshifter, and witchcraft legends/myths. I'd like to see this reflected in the show more. Just having the Bennet witches and the ? Warlocks doesn't get it for me.
Klaus--I'm curious to see who they will cast in this role, because we've been speculating for weeks. :)
My predictions: Kevin Williamson said something about writing Damon angst. Don't know whether it's related directly to the finale or what, but I predict Elijah or Klaus is going to either make Damon do something he doesn't want to regarding Elena or he will be forced to watch while Stefan does something to Elena that neither/none of them wants. I don't believe she will die. If she does, I think it will be for a few seconds or minutes similar to what happened to Buffy in Season 1 of her show.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
YouTube! bar
Playing with the layout here a little bit. If you want the YouTube bar back instead of reactions, please let me know. I'm not a tech wiz and haven't figured out how to keep both up at the same time without totally screwing up the layout. I'm also really enjoying the Twitter wall addition [ I figure this will also light a fire under me to Tweet more. ] No matter what, I'll try to be flexible. :)
Friday, November 5, 2010
Rose (TVD)--Contains Spoilers!

Where do I begin? Seems like I'm always asking that with this show.
Elena--She didn't have much to do last night. :( At least IMO. Next week she will though. Very much looking forward to seeing that. The blood of the doppleganger thing...Ominous...and I still don't think the answer to the teasers is going to be as obvious as it looks. There's going to be some type of twist...
Bonnie--She's awesome in her power [To learn so much in such a short time.], but I'm concerned about those nosebleeds. Even the Charmed Ones had power of three for a reason.
}:( Cousin Lucy needs to come back for more reasons then one.
Jeremy--He's very protective and considerate towards Bonnie. I also like that he's kind taking more of an interest in what's going on around him, now that he knows what he does about Mystic Falls.
Stefan--Is the human blood making him bolder? Or is the combination of the human blood and his love for Elena? He seemed different to me last night. Like he had more of a backbone. :) I liked it.
Rose-- I'll need to see more of her, to know whether I love or hate this character yet.
Trevor--I was so sorry to see him go. :( [ First Carter, now this dude. Another character to develop and more eye is that a bad thing? Guess they figured there was too much male eye candy...Now I have an idea how the Uncle Mason fans felt a few weeks ago.]
Elijah--He terrifies me. If what's coming in the previews to Katerina is any indication. Folks are in trouble. As old as he was, I also didn't think he'd be that easy to kill. It was sloppy and it was arrogant...Beheading is the answer I think...but to fill the season they have to stretch stuff out. ;)
Tyler and Caroline--Who knew? I like the idea of this ship though. It reminds me of the Underworld series and even before that R. Chetwynd Hayes had a series of short stories...Hopefully they're still in print...but I digress...I have to wonder if Caroline telling Tyler about the supernatural history of Mystic Falls will be a hit or miss. She did at least keep her promise not to reveal anything about the others...Still once the truth comes out, she risks not only Damon's anger, but Tyler's...As I said last night, this show definitely doesn't run short on angst. Normally that gets on my nerves, but I enjoy the supernatural elements enough on this show to let it ride.
Jenna and Alaric--Didn't see them this week.
Damon--??????!!!!!!!!I'm really conflicted here. I loved the range of emotions on Damon's face when Stefan apologized for "making" him turn. Warning Caroline to stay away from that fear? Protectiveness? That vampire vs. werewolf prejudice thing? Some of all 3?
And finally...Damon confesses his love to Elena...that just made my jaw drop and then to say that he knew/felt that he didn't deserve and he shed a tear [I loved how artfully that scene was shot. I think showing his whole face would have been too soap opera like.]. Another thing that stuck with me, was how he could have kissed her on the mouth, but he chose the forehead...It was just truly WTF?! in one of the best ways imaginable...[Week after week this show just...smh]I think Damon might have confessed to her hoping somehow she'll remember [at least subconciously], otherwise why tell her at all? And I'm not sure how he'd feel were she to die and become a vampire... I know how the books go...but that doesn't necessarily mean that's how the show will go.
Aimee--So she's not a total red shirt. She has been missed. At least there's that.
Nitpicks : The bloodbag drinking thing. For some reason all I could imagine, was someone pulling up beside them and seeing that and asking "Dude! Is that the energy drink or the candy?" [I don't even think they'd have to compel anybody either. No one would trip. Maybe that's why they worked this in. lol]
The fight: SafiTaffy99 on Twitter, I couldn't agree more. I think the one with Katherine was better. Like I said, Lucy needs to come back. :)
Monday, November 1, 2010
Walking Dead premiere (Contains spoilers!)
I was glued to the television!
I never read the graphic novel...I have the first book on order. [I wanted to see if I enjoyed the series first.]
I enjoyed this way better than I did Dead Set.
The hospital was very eerie...[Hospitals give me the heebiejeebies period, so that was like shooting fish in a barrel as far as I'm concerned. That coupled with the fact that power was out in the stairwells and dude was running around with no weapon...I had to suspend my disbelief quite a bit, especially given the fact that he was in his hospital gown and barefooting...That he made it out of there with no cuts and not encountering any zombies was nothing short of a miracle to me. ]
I know the deputy's family are still alive...[It's that so close and yet so far cliche'...I figured maybe.] It breaks my heart about the Morgan and Duane [ that a nod to Duane Jones from NOTLD '68? If so, I love stuff like that.] though...I think the wife/mom was cognizant though. She remembers her house...She remembered how to turn the knob, as opposed to just banging and groaning/moaning and a carrying on. The son also indicated that she'd been back before. I don't know whether her cognizance has to do with how long she'd been a zombie or that the virus mutates or what, but she's not like the others...I don't know if that means she can be cured [and possibly cure others] or she has to be watched out for, because she's more dangerous than the rest, because she's cognizant. This also reminds me somewhat of how Kelly behaves in Guillermo Del Toro's Strain series...
The zombies in the city waiting in a kind of huddle like that freaked me out towards the end. Do they have some type of hive mind or something? They all knew to stay quiet too...Very creepy.
Can't wait 'til next week.
The music that was playing at the end...Although I liked it, it felt kind of out of place. :(
I never read the graphic novel...I have the first book on order. [I wanted to see if I enjoyed the series first.]
I enjoyed this way better than I did Dead Set.
The hospital was very eerie...[Hospitals give me the heebiejeebies period, so that was like shooting fish in a barrel as far as I'm concerned. That coupled with the fact that power was out in the stairwells and dude was running around with no weapon...I had to suspend my disbelief quite a bit, especially given the fact that he was in his hospital gown and barefooting...That he made it out of there with no cuts and not encountering any zombies was nothing short of a miracle to me. ]
I know the deputy's family are still alive...[It's that so close and yet so far cliche'...I figured maybe.] It breaks my heart about the Morgan and Duane [ that a nod to Duane Jones from NOTLD '68? If so, I love stuff like that.] though...I think the wife/mom was cognizant though. She remembers her house...She remembered how to turn the knob, as opposed to just banging and groaning/moaning and a carrying on. The son also indicated that she'd been back before. I don't know whether her cognizance has to do with how long she'd been a zombie or that the virus mutates or what, but she's not like the others...I don't know if that means she can be cured [and possibly cure others] or she has to be watched out for, because she's more dangerous than the rest, because she's cognizant. This also reminds me somewhat of how Kelly behaves in Guillermo Del Toro's Strain series...
The zombies in the city waiting in a kind of huddle like that freaked me out towards the end. Do they have some type of hive mind or something? They all knew to stay quiet too...Very creepy.
Can't wait 'til next week.
The music that was playing at the end...Although I liked it, it felt kind of out of place. :(
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