It's been one really rough week. I'm hoping next week is better. I know it'll definitely be shorter and that alone makes it better already. :D
I'm trying to figure out the insanity that is my Pepco bill and get it straightened out.
I wanted to go see Inception this weekend, but sadly, it looks like that won't happen this week either.
I've got a package from the Laurell K. Hamilton fan club to go pick up. }:D Saw her blogging about writing the next Anita Blake...I'm anxious to see and afraid to see what Anita's in store for this time.
I also have books to pick up at the library (when do I not). I'm wrapping up Eat, Pray, Love and Steve Turner's Trouble Man. I'm returning Trouble Man late, mostly because I've been exhausted all week. I want that Ali exhibition fight if it's available on DVD and I definitely want The Ballad of Andy Crocker too. I've got to convert my cassettes...That is also so far down my list right now it isn't funny.
The chiropractor has been helping a lot with my stomach, back and ankle pain. He said the stomach pain might be due to too much roughage...Not to sound like a complete idiot, but I didn't realize there was any such thing with the stress on a healthy diet nowadays. You're also supposed to get more servings of fruits and vegetables than anything else if I'm not mistaken.
I got some Yoga Nidra tips from a friend, so that should help with the insomnia.
I need to go to the grocery store, but heaven knows when I'll make the time...I can't stand going when it's crowded and I know that much.
This guy playfully grabbed my ankle and almost got decked...We've only known each other for a few months...I'm not used to being touched a whole lot and there was a split second when I almost wigged. He wouldn't have understood it, if I'd have went off. Yeah, I could explain, but even that's a coin toss. Some dudes get it, some don't and think you're being a drama queen or a tease or whatever.
Am going to see my dad this evening. Hope everything's alright with him, because I don't think I can handle any more on my plate just now. But then, God never gives you any more than you can handle or so the saying goes, right?
Friday, July 30, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
Last night's True Blood I Got a Right to Sing the Blues (contains Spoilers)
Lorena...As twisted as she is, she really was hurting last night...
Bill and Sookie...I understand it, but it still doesn't make me any less sad.
Lafayette and ?...It was going so well...I didn't see that coming...I wonder if they'll be able to patch things up, I hope so.
Arlene..."This is why people hate y'all."????!!!! That woman is a trip...There's more out there like her though so...[shrug]
Eric...I know what's coming, so I'm just waiting for it. :D I also want him to hurry up and rescue Pam.
Tara ...I wanted to cheer...Can't believe she bit into Franklin like that...[However, during the bludgeoning scene...I wanted to scream Where's your stake? Is there a long handled axe? Behead him and drag him out into the sunlight!!! Hurry up! *note: This is the G-rated version...I actually used way more expletives...If you saw the previews for next week, you know she didn't get him...
Crystal and Jason...I don't need to tell you that spells trouble, but again I've read the books, so I know how it's going to go...unless they diverge a bit, like with Lafayette.
I also want to know how it's possible for a badge to go to someone's head when he doesn't even have a badge yet? Sheesh! He's just downright scary.
Queen Sophie-Anne is a mess.
Jessica ...I love her, but it doesn't take a genius to see either she's going to get caught and punished for bespelling people at the drop of a hat or it's going to backfire/ go haywire in some other way.
Sam...I hope he gets to his little brother in time and that it doesn' bite him on the can...He's too good. :)
Alcide...Ooh, Ooh, Ooh....Showed up on time and looking awesome, can't beat that. }:D
Bill and Sookie...I understand it, but it still doesn't make me any less sad.
Lafayette and ?...It was going so well...I didn't see that coming...I wonder if they'll be able to patch things up, I hope so.
Arlene..."This is why people hate y'all."????!!!! That woman is a trip...There's more out there like her though so...[shrug]
Eric...I know what's coming, so I'm just waiting for it. :D I also want him to hurry up and rescue Pam.
Tara ...I wanted to cheer...Can't believe she bit into Franklin like that...[However, during the bludgeoning scene...I wanted to scream Where's your stake? Is there a long handled axe? Behead him and drag him out into the sunlight!!! Hurry up! *note: This is the G-rated version...I actually used way more expletives...If you saw the previews for next week, you know she didn't get him...
Crystal and Jason...I don't need to tell you that spells trouble, but again I've read the books, so I know how it's going to go...unless they diverge a bit, like with Lafayette.
I also want to know how it's possible for a badge to go to someone's head when he doesn't even have a badge yet? Sheesh! He's just downright scary.
Queen Sophie-Anne is a mess.
Jessica ...I love her, but it doesn't take a genius to see either she's going to get caught and punished for bespelling people at the drop of a hat or it's going to backfire/ go haywire in some other way.
Sam...I hope he gets to his little brother in time and that it doesn' bite him on the can...He's too good. :)
Alcide...Ooh, Ooh, Ooh....Showed up on time and looking awesome, can't beat that. }:D
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Nivea Touch of Water Lily

I thought about doing a little deal every week, maybe at the end of each post where I do a blurb on my favorite beauty item of the week. The idea came to me as I was using Nivea's Touch of Water Lily hydrating shower gel with sunflower oil pearls. I usually grade on things like scent [first and foremost], how it mixes with my lotion and deodorant [I rarely wear perfume.], and whether or not over a period of time it starts to dry my skin out. Anyhow, this shower gel meets all my criteria and I think Nivea is a brand that tends to get overlooked. I'm also not sure how many people blog about beauty products for women of color...I'll have to research that...It's difficult to come up with something new or put a new twist on something with so many people in cyberspace though. New and interesting challenges are part of what make life worth living though.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010 commentary on True Blood
A lot of interesting stuff is being said...Some of it I already commented on here...Lorena and Bill, and the violence against women in general (as bad as it was last season, it's really terrible this season.) Other things, I missed entirely, like Eric calling Lafayette RuPaul.
Tara this season...I definitely don't like how it almost seems like a rehash of last season...I don't find a character like her unrealistic though...I'm isolated like that...Very few family members (dysfunctional and scattered across states.) I can count on and very few close friends (Black, Hispanic, and White). I don't get why Black people feel the need to be all one thing across the board...I don't think that's realistic, particularly in this day and age. I also wondered at people fussing about Tara and Kenya being angry and oversensitive...I'm like that and I'm real, but that's just one facet of me. Hopefully, Ball and Harris will explore other aspects of Kenya's and Tara's personalities so that these issues can be addressed. Doing that and keeping the story tight is probably extremely difficult, but I know it's not impossible.
I love that Lafayette might have the chance at something nice.
Anyway, check out the article and comments here:
Tara this season...I definitely don't like how it almost seems like a rehash of last season...I don't find a character like her unrealistic though...I'm isolated like that...Very few family members (dysfunctional and scattered across states.) I can count on and very few close friends (Black, Hispanic, and White). I don't get why Black people feel the need to be all one thing across the board...I don't think that's realistic, particularly in this day and age. I also wondered at people fussing about Tara and Kenya being angry and oversensitive...I'm like that and I'm real, but that's just one facet of me. Hopefully, Ball and Harris will explore other aspects of Kenya's and Tara's personalities so that these issues can be addressed. Doing that and keeping the story tight is probably extremely difficult, but I know it's not impossible.
I love that Lafayette might have the chance at something nice.
Anyway, check out the article and comments here:
Monday, July 19, 2010
Vonetta McGee...
I didn't know this, but Vonetta McGee passed away last week...I mainly remember her from Blacula, but she was in Shaft in Africa and a bunch of other films as well. I was trying to find some images of her from the movie I could upload, but I can't seem to access any right now. I have some old lobby cards from Blacula, but sadly, she's not featured on any of the ones I have. I was thinking maybe I could scan some of those, but no such luck. :(
Friday, July 16, 2010
Breaking Dawn 3D
I have friends that like these movies, so I'll be gentle...5,4,3,2,1....What are these people thinking?!!!??? Breaking Dawn in 3D? At first I thought it was a bad joke. I don't want to spoil my friends that haven't read the books. I've read the books, the idea of Breaking Dawn in 3D, just makes me go...ick. :( Maybe it's because I don't have a maternal bone in my body...I have no clue...Maybe it's because I see 3D as being an asset to a more "traditional" horror or sci-fi film...Not sure about action...I guess it would depend on the storyline, director, quality of cinematography, etc. I really, really, hope they don't do this, but to each his own.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Playmates Michael Jackson dolls to be shown @ 2010 ComicCon in San Diego
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Last one for a while....
Monday, July 12, 2010
True Blood, Being Human, New Hulk cast in Avengers...
Found out I'm allergic to nickel today. Bizarre (The clasp to the chain on my work badge if that's not positively Freudian, I don't know what is. ).
Being Human - New episodes start on July 24th. WooHoo!
True Blood - Bill's starting to scare me and not in a good way...Eric's sneaky, but I don't recall him being so quick to hit a chick and he was a Viking for pity's sake.
Also Arlene...How long does she think she's going to be able to conceal the fact that she's pregnant from Sam?
Tara-Poor baby...She needs to take back control...I'm not sure how, but I miss the way she was in Season 1.
Promo spot for Damon from The Vampire Diaries - Damon-O, Damn--Didn't know whether to laugh or moan or both.
The Passage -- I'm about a third of the way through this. One thing I can say for sure about it...It is very hard to put down.
I finished Etta James's autobiography...I decided to read it after seeing Cadillac Records. Fascinating, inspiring, and harrowing...Jimi Hendrix's nickname gave me a tickle.
As far as The Beatles fans getting ticked off about Lady Gaga at John's piano...Everyone has a right to their opinion, don't get me wrong, but no one down here walks on water. You dig? And before you ask I enjoy Beatles, John Lennon's solo stuff and some of Gaga's stuff.
My insomnia is back...I'm pretty sure the causes are stress on the job [again!] and some other things that I'm trying to work my way through. I'm pretty hopeful I can resolve just about everything though...
New Hulk casting...Umm I like the idea of Mark Ruffalo a lot better than I like the idea of Joaquin Phoenix...Again, excellent actor, just not for this.
I feel like I'm forgetting to blog about something (I know I've been all over the place...I'm sorry. Focusing is hard for me. Oddly enough I was never diagnosed with ADD as a kid.).
My doctor's office ticked me off so badly this morning! Since when is it ok for a doctor's office to cut the answering service off with no warning. (They said the faxed a referral and didn't. I didn't have the time to waste, so I'm cutting them loose.)
Being Human - New episodes start on July 24th. WooHoo!
True Blood - Bill's starting to scare me and not in a good way...Eric's sneaky, but I don't recall him being so quick to hit a chick and he was a Viking for pity's sake.
Also Arlene...How long does she think she's going to be able to conceal the fact that she's pregnant from Sam?
Tara-Poor baby...She needs to take back control...I'm not sure how, but I miss the way she was in Season 1.
Promo spot for Damon from The Vampire Diaries - Damon-O, Damn--Didn't know whether to laugh or moan or both.
The Passage -- I'm about a third of the way through this. One thing I can say for sure about it...It is very hard to put down.
I finished Etta James's autobiography...I decided to read it after seeing Cadillac Records. Fascinating, inspiring, and harrowing...Jimi Hendrix's nickname gave me a tickle.
As far as The Beatles fans getting ticked off about Lady Gaga at John's piano...Everyone has a right to their opinion, don't get me wrong, but no one down here walks on water. You dig? And before you ask I enjoy Beatles, John Lennon's solo stuff and some of Gaga's stuff.
My insomnia is back...I'm pretty sure the causes are stress on the job [again!] and some other things that I'm trying to work my way through. I'm pretty hopeful I can resolve just about everything though...
New Hulk casting...Umm I like the idea of Mark Ruffalo a lot better than I like the idea of Joaquin Phoenix...Again, excellent actor, just not for this.
I feel like I'm forgetting to blog about something (I know I've been all over the place...I'm sorry. Focusing is hard for me. Oddly enough I was never diagnosed with ADD as a kid.).
My doctor's office ticked me off so badly this morning! Since when is it ok for a doctor's office to cut the answering service off with no warning. (They said the faxed a referral and didn't. I didn't have the time to waste, so I'm cutting them loose.)
If I can just get through tomorrow evening in one piece I will be a happy camper indeed.
Friday, July 9, 2010
Don't beat yourself up. We love what you do. You have to pace yourself, plus RL always intrudes. I draw and set project goals for myself that I disappoint myself by not meeting too, so I'm right there with you. Awesome pic of Mr. Eko. I'll have to backtrack to look at some of your others.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
July 6 post on Nikki's Say in this World...
I still can't get the Blogger posting comments field to work right on this computer I'm on, but I just wanted to tell Nikki I totally agree with her and I share her anger and frustration...Maybe if enough of us make a noise?...But then, not that it makes it right, look how long it took for the rumor of Cass Elliot and the choking on a ham sandwich falsehood to go away. Some people are just malicious, some think lies are more interesting, some just don't think before they speak...I don't know what it'd take to correct lies about Michael and with the scale of some of them, I'm almost not even sure it's possible...He's also not physically here, and that also makes people feel like they can do/say what they want regarding him [libel/slander or no]. I think the more stuff out there like your blog, MJ 777's blog, and the things Aprodite Jones has recently done...maybe there's hope and maybe more people will start to question what the media puts out there.
It's always something...
Contemplating getting a futon or a daybed...
I have to put my yoga class on hold...I think once I get the new bed the progress the chiropractor has made will actually begin to stick.
Cancelled Showtime and found out that Idris Elba is making a guest appearance on The Big C. :( I wanted to see it anyway, to see what Gabourey Sidibe's role would be like, but until the fall I'm strapped for cash...Didn't want to get rid of my cable altogether, so I've started getting rid of premium channels...(HBO is a last resort, because I have to have my True Blood.) I figure if push comes to shove...there's always Netflix, Hulu, or Buying the Seasons of my fave shows when they come out on DVD, the only problem is I get like I do with most of my books...I watch or read them once and then they sit...(Once this happens I give them away...I'll fool with eBay and a later point. )
Didn't realize it was Frida Kahlo's bday until I hit Google today...They are awesome...
Had some people ask me about Laurell K. Hamilton's book Bullet today... I like what's going on with Richard...wish he'd woken up sooner. Nathaniel and the ringtones. Lol I love him too.
Read The Night Tourist by Katherine Marsh over the weekend. It has got to be one of the most beautiful books I've ever read. I enjoy Greek mythology. I also love it's portrayal of the afterlife...A Ghostly version of New York...Getting to meet James Baldwin! I don't want to get into anything too crazy, but you know where I'd like to hit? Studio 54. :) I'll be curious to see where The Twilight Prisoner goes. One day in real life I'd like to go back to New York and go take some pics of the Alice In Wonderland statue from unusual angles or something like that...(It would be like my 4th trip back to New York. Don't get me wrong, I love DC...but however long I stay in New York, never seems like long enough...and I still haven't been to Harlem. )
Can't think of too much else going on with me besides the same ol, same ol.
I never thought I'd hear myself say this, but I'll be so happy when it finally rains...This heat and humidity is totally kicking me in my a#$!
Hope my freaking phone is working by the time I get home...I've enjoyed the peace, but I don't want other people not able to get in touch with me or worried as the cost of it...
I have to put my yoga class on hold...I think once I get the new bed the progress the chiropractor has made will actually begin to stick.
Cancelled Showtime and found out that Idris Elba is making a guest appearance on The Big C. :( I wanted to see it anyway, to see what Gabourey Sidibe's role would be like, but until the fall I'm strapped for cash...Didn't want to get rid of my cable altogether, so I've started getting rid of premium channels...(HBO is a last resort, because I have to have my True Blood.) I figure if push comes to shove...there's always Netflix, Hulu, or Buying the Seasons of my fave shows when they come out on DVD, the only problem is I get like I do with most of my books...I watch or read them once and then they sit...(Once this happens I give them away...I'll fool with eBay and a later point. )
Didn't realize it was Frida Kahlo's bday until I hit Google today...They are awesome...
Had some people ask me about Laurell K. Hamilton's book Bullet today... I like what's going on with Richard...wish he'd woken up sooner. Nathaniel and the ringtones. Lol I love him too.
Read The Night Tourist by Katherine Marsh over the weekend. It has got to be one of the most beautiful books I've ever read. I enjoy Greek mythology. I also love it's portrayal of the afterlife...A Ghostly version of New York...Getting to meet James Baldwin! I don't want to get into anything too crazy, but you know where I'd like to hit? Studio 54. :) I'll be curious to see where The Twilight Prisoner goes. One day in real life I'd like to go back to New York and go take some pics of the Alice In Wonderland statue from unusual angles or something like that...(It would be like my 4th trip back to New York. Don't get me wrong, I love DC...but however long I stay in New York, never seems like long enough...and I still haven't been to Harlem. )
Can't think of too much else going on with me besides the same ol, same ol.
I never thought I'd hear myself say this, but I'll be so happy when it finally rains...This heat and humidity is totally kicking me in my a#$!
Hope my freaking phone is working by the time I get home...I've enjoyed the peace, but I don't want other people not able to get in touch with me or worried as the cost of it...
Friday, July 2, 2010
Been a roller coaster ride day...
Didn't have to sit through a b-day celebration I didn't want...Always a plus.
Have to redo my freaking transit form again, which sux. [My first year doing it by myself and math was never my strong suit...Go figure...}:(]
Have a lot of library books to try and finish...[I'll be fine and then a batch of holds come at once. Now that you can only renew stuff twice...I have to scramble or pay fines...They're raising fines too, so they'll be making a mint off least for a while.]
May have houseguests this weekend, I'm not sure...
Was messing around on one of the Marvel forums...I see 4 names getting tossed around for Luke Cage...I wouldn't be upset with the casting of either Terry Crews, Michael Jai White or Isaiah Mustafa (The younger Old Spice dude.). : D Somebody said, "Please not Will Smith!" I second this...He's awesome, don't get me wrong...Just not for this. I'm also glad to see they're rebooting Spiderman...That last film just blew.
Still messing around with my artwork...don't know when I'll get a scan of the ones I've completed up yet...I also realize I have some more photos I need to put up too.
I've got job stuff to contemplate as well...
Oh yeah, I found a hidden treasure in The Express today....
I definitely want to check this place out, once I have money to spare again:
The menu looks awesome and like I said, I'd just love to check the place out...
Have to redo my freaking transit form again, which sux. [My first year doing it by myself and math was never my strong suit...Go figure...}:(]
Have a lot of library books to try and finish...[I'll be fine and then a batch of holds come at once. Now that you can only renew stuff twice...I have to scramble or pay fines...They're raising fines too, so they'll be making a mint off least for a while.]
May have houseguests this weekend, I'm not sure...
Was messing around on one of the Marvel forums...I see 4 names getting tossed around for Luke Cage...I wouldn't be upset with the casting of either Terry Crews, Michael Jai White or Isaiah Mustafa (The younger Old Spice dude.). : D Somebody said, "Please not Will Smith!" I second this...He's awesome, don't get me wrong...Just not for this. I'm also glad to see they're rebooting Spiderman...That last film just blew.
Still messing around with my artwork...don't know when I'll get a scan of the ones I've completed up yet...I also realize I have some more photos I need to put up too.
I've got job stuff to contemplate as well...
Oh yeah, I found a hidden treasure in The Express today....
I definitely want to check this place out, once I have money to spare again:
The menu looks awesome and like I said, I'd just love to check the place out...
Thursday, July 1, 2010
I saw a tumblr blog I wanted to follow listed in Further I sign up and I think I'm following it twice. :( ...If that's even possible...The screen grayed out when I tried to fiddle with my profile...Maybe I'm overlooking something really simple...I just took a mental health day yesterday, so I didn't think I was that bad off, but then again...I'm way overdue for a "real" vacation...if I can just hold off for a few months longer, I think I'll be alright...
I don't think I'll start another blog...if I have to remember too many more usernames and passwords, I think my poor brain's going to go Kerflooey!...
I don't think I'll start another blog...if I have to remember too many more usernames and passwords, I think my poor brain's going to go Kerflooey!...
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