Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Monday, May 24, 2010
Lost finale (Spoilers!!!!!!), BP mess now screwing up Louisiana's Wetlands, Bret Michaels, Brittany Murphy's husband, etc.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Goodbye Mr. Van Houter
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Lost contains spoilers.....Can't believe there's only one more episode
The reason Jacob picked Sawyer, Kate, and ...I sort of figured that out on my own...bizarrely I feel somewhat let down.
Did not expect Widmore to get killed. :(
Ben reverted back to form...or maybe he never changed...I believe he's an opportunist plain and simple. I was hoping for his redemption...I guess not.
Jack stepped up to protect the island without a peep from the other three(?). What was that all about? I don't even think he gave anyone else time to say anything...
How many of y'all were half hoping Rookie Blue was Sawyer's, Miles's and Ana Lucia's new show. (Missed seeing Michelle Rodriguez...Her part was too short for me, but at least she was there.)
I enjoy how in the sideways world almost everyone seems to be happy and/or fulfilled.
Wish I knew what was going to happen with Kate, Desmond, and Sayid...there endings might not be so happy. :(
If I think of more I'll add it...
Wonder if my text will appear?
I wish my mother had been able to see the end of Lost. It started out as something we watched together and we caught it from the very beginning which was rare...We didn't have the same taste in TV shows either, so it was odd and beautiful to find something that clicked with both of us that we could watch together. I miss her so much.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Beyonce as Wonder Woman...
Charlaine Harris's Dead in the Family

I've just started Dead in the Family. I haven't been to Ms. Harris's forum/messageboards in a minute, but why oh why does her description of Basim al Saud make me think of Naveen Andrews ala Sayid in Lost? I'm going to be really disappointed if she's made the character stereotypical...We all deserve better.
ETA: Read a little bit further...True Blood continues to have a successful run, maybe they could pull a Lafayette with Basim al Saud...It make me much more likely to continue to watch. I can say that much...Why create such a promising character and then...It just drives me nuts...Maybe I can do some of my own God willing. And before anyone yells at me, yes I know Mr. Andrews is of Indian descent. The way Hollywood casts minority characters has always been a sticky topic though.
You don't believe me, then go here
Another topic I'm happy to see CH touch on is vampires of different ethnic backgrounds. I want her to explore this a lot more.
I also notice that Godric is not Eric's maker here...Have to say I like the TV version better...a lot less creepy.
Marving Gaye Biopics...Yeah, I'm still on it

Friday, May 14, 2010
Vampire Diaries season finale...
Elena's brother...Wonder if they'll stop him in time...
The softer side of Damon...who knew he had one?
Bonnie...Naturally there's going to be some type of misunderstanding next season and she'll get the wrong idea, the question is can she be stopped before she and Elena become bitter enemies.
Kathryn(sp?)...I knew it was a matter of time, but Wow! she surprised me with her craftiness last night. How long had she been watching from the shadows to pull that off?
I can't wait for next season. True Blood's Third Season looks awesome too! Trying to get more of the drink.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Michael's flowers...

Erykah Badu's artwork for the "Out My Mind, Just in Time" tour

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Lena Horne...

Sorry I haven't posted in like ever have been ill.
What can I say about Lena Horne that hasn't been said?
In a way, I grew up on her too.
I saw her for the first time on Sesame Street with Kermit.
I didn't discover her earlier film career (I'd only seen her in The Wiz, I think.), until my quest to find black actresses from the Classic/Old School Hollywood cinema began...Thanks to my paternal grandmother, I found out about Dorothy Dandridge, Nina Mae McKinney and a host of others. Without them, we wouldn't have a Zoe Saldana, Gabrielle Union, or a Halle Berry to name a few. I never saw Stormy Weather. I did see Cabin in the Sky. I wanted to post a still from that, but can't find one at present...It's funny...I hadn't thought about this for a long time, but I had a little picture of her from that movie and I kept it in the corner of my bedroom mirror with my mom's picture...Her picture was up there and Billie Holliday, and Dorothy Dandridge...
I also remember the episode of A Different World, when everybody at Hillman was preparing to honor Lena Horne with a tribute. It was definitely one of my favorite episodes.
If they were to make a biopic, who do I see playing her? Probably Alicia Keyes or Paula Patton. I always felt badly that Lena Horne ruled Janet Jackson out for playing her because of the wardrobe malfunction [to this day, I still say that wasn't her fault. I don't think it was staged either...but getting back on topic...]. I always felt Janet favored Dorothy Dandridge more, it's kind of a shame Halle beat her to it...Halle did a spectacular job as Dorothy Dandridge though.
I'm embarassed to admit, it's been a while since I read about Ms. Horne, so I can't remember much about her work in the Civil Rights movement. I was also more interested in her time Hollywood, so more of that stuck...Maybe I should see if I can find the book I read again and reread it...
I also didn't know about her and U Street...She's another performer/person that really makes me wish time travel were possible.
One thing I do know, she too will be greatly missed.
ETA: Just sent Bing a note a few hours ago...They had a photo of Dorothy Dandridge mixed in with their photos of Lena Horne...I guess we all look alike to them, eh? ;) Sometimes you just have to laugh.
Friday, May 7, 2010
The Book...No takers?
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Cinco de Mayo
WTF???!!! WTF???!!! Last nights Lost does contain spoilers...
And don't even get me started on Sayid! Again, WTF ????!!!!
I forgot to check who specifically wrote last night's episode, because I just want to yell. Yell at all the parties responsible. Will there ever be a popular/cult favorites series that features minorities and treats them fairly? Is that too much to ask? Guess all us minority writers better get to writing, huh? Minority viewers and actors need us now more than ever in Hollywood it appears.
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
I did a dumb thing...
Found a recipe for Tres Leche cake on the internet. I love Tres Leche cake. I'd never had it before until I was at the American Indian Museum. It was one of the most wonderful things I've ever tasted.
Sh*t! I was so preoccupied with Lost, I forgot about Glee.
So much to blog about...
I had an inkling yesterday it was going to be interesting...I'm glad I was right. :)
I'm being somewhat secretive, because there's another party involved.
This also proves my point that I do not need the internet to meet good, interesting men.
Nikki's Say in This World...I'm still having trouble on this computer as far as posting comments to anyone at Blogger. Maybe over the next few weekends I'll try to post from somewhere else. I've been loving the posts over the past few days. Never did like Extra, I haven't watched it in years, so for me a boycott is almost too easy.
I've been reading way more than drawing, which I'm extremely embarassed to admit after all the promises I'd made.
Left my salad dressing at home rushing out of the apartment today.
I didn't realize making my status single on facebook would result in a big embarassing pink heart. : /
I want to do some painting, but I need to go to the art supply store and get some turpenoid first.
My number of followers is growing on Twitter...they're mostly literary, but I'm still very pleased. I'd like for my makeup artist friend to follow me, so that I can tweet to him directly...Haven't given up on him yet. : D He's been uber busy anyway. I had a dream somebody loved his work so much they wanted him to relocate...I wouldn't be at all surprised if that actually happened.
Well, guess that's all for now...
Monday, May 3, 2010
Moving right along ..., True Blood mini episode (contains spoilers! Do not say I didn't warn you!)
Can't figure out how to keep responding to my Chinese poster. I love him or her to death, but they keep posting "If a tree in a forest falls and there's no one around to hear it, does it still make sound?" type deals in my comments section. I'm so ready to wave the white flag, it's not funny.
Did a lot of ripping and running this weekend. Picked up some more shower curtain hangers...Found an iridescent turquoise nail polish/varnish that makes me want to buy a whole rack of new spring and summer outfits.
Did some grocery shopping.
I've found a lot of interesting exhibits at the African Art Museum [Artful Animals], The American History Museum [Apollo Theater], The American Indian Museum [Hendrix], and the Newseum [Elvis]. Who says that just because I'm a local doesn't mean I can't enjoy what our museums have to offer? Hitting the National Mall as early as I can manage has always been the best ticket. That away the huge crowds of tourists don't overwhelm. (For some reason, I seem to have developed not only a touch of claustrophobia, but enochlophobia. I'm thinking it might be heriditary. As you can imagine these to phobias get to be somewhat problematic on Metro when either the bus or train is crowded. I'm not sure some Black people get that everyone has phobias and it's not just a neurotic White thing. You should see the looks I get when I have panic attacks, it's the worst. I feel like an alien visiting from another planet or something.)
Oprah picked 10 favorite books in her magazine...I guess it's dated this month...I'm not really part of the cult of Oprah...occasionally she will mention this that are of interest to me, but not often...Anyhoo, she had The Bluest Eye on her list. I read that in college, it was really powerful. She also has listed East of Eden...I never even saw the movie. What I plan to do is read the book and then maybe see the movie. I've read some Steinbeck, but not a lot...I read The Pearl . I can't remember whether I was in high scool or college. I keep hearing people mention a lot of his other works that have been made into movies, like The Grapes of Wrath, Of Mice and Men, and Cannery Row. I'm an oddball, so what I like to do is if I like one of the more well known works of an author, I go in search of the lesser known works.
Bookgasm follows me on Twitter now. Awesome! Thanks, y'all.
Can't figure out how to get the spam type followers to go...
It's rainy today, but if it lowers the temperature a bit, and washes away some of this pollen, then I'm all for it.
I think I struck out with my new friend...
I think the trazodone is helping my moods in addition to helping me get some sleep. :) Half a pill does the job.
I'm also eating more fruit.
Ginny Yashere is a trip.
Saw the first of the True Blood mini episodes. I crushed on Eric...but he and Pam raised some interesting questions for me... Dude, flip flops with a track suit? Seriously...Tsk Tsk.
Pam was smiling at the Black chick auditioning for them. Is she a lesbian and does she like chocolate? It would seem so...I never knew that about her...I'll have to pay closer attention to the shows and the books (I'm so glad they kept Lafayette I don't know what to do.). Eric did not seem to enjoy the Black female stripper...Was it because she was somewhat skanky with her attire and moves? Or does he not like chocolate at all? I thought the last chick was a vampire...She sort of reminded me of Victoria from the Twilight movies, mainly because of her use of fur in her look.
Just found out about Lynn Redgrave...really sorry to hear it. I think she was one of the first Weight Watchers spokeswomen...I also remember her from a TV remake of Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?
I keep feeling like I'm forgetting to post about something, but that's nothing new...
Oh yeah, I saw a LedJoker soon as I can afford it, he is mine. }:D
Saw some old Buffy episodes on Logo...The Body and Forever still make me cry. They make me think about my mom...You'd think the pain ease with time, but it never does...At least not for me. I just keep thinking about the fact that she's not in pain anymore and that comforts me.
p.s. Thanks, Blanca Mcleroy! I still can't respond to my comments on the computer yet, I don't know why.