I've watched the first couple of episodes of Being Human and I plan to tune in this Saturday too. I wouldn't say it's better than True Blood...except for the fact that they both feature supernatural creatures, I don't think the two shoes have a lot in common. John...I don't know why, but I don't find him sexy. I also found it odd that he appears to eat...most vampires don't (I remember in Lost Boys they did, or gave the illusion that they did. On BtVS, I think Spike did...) I'm wondering if at some point the writers will explain this, or chalk it up to made vampires versus born vampires, or something like that. The walking around in daylight thing, I've seen before too (in fact in Bram Stoker's Dracula. Dracula can move about in the daylight). The vampires on this show also don't cast reflections, can't be captured on film...
George...his story was very reminiscent of An American Werewolf in London, I couldn't figure out whether it was meant as an intentional homage or not. Annie...I like her, I can relate to her...a lot.
I was hoping this series had a soundtrack, but it doesn't. I really like the music they feature, both old and new.
The episode they showed about the misunderstanding about John, the DVD in the Laurel and Hardy case, and the little boy and his mom broke my heart. If you've been following my blog for the past few months, you probably have some idea as to why...
Friday, July 31, 2009
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
The Wolfman...
I heard they have pushed the release date to February 2010 this time...I would hate to think it's because the movie is lacking in some way. From what I've seen of the movie poster, footage, etc. I'm not sure... Hopefully it'll be worth the wait.
Johnny Depp vs. Robert Pattinson
I guess this debate came out because of this year's Comic-Con in San Diego... Also, it is dumb to ask a teenage girl this, because unless she's really percocious, there are some girls out there that do not want to mess with a man old enough to be their dad. As far as talent goes, ask me this question again in 10 years, when Robert Pattinson has done more films. Bet you dollars to donuts I still pick Johnny Depp.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
BET's odd sense of timing...
BET is showing a special on Michael Jackson Sunday evening...I think this supposedly kicks off a whole week celebrating/saluting him. Wouldn't it make more sense to wait until this has actual significgance and do it on the week of what would have been his 51st birthday? Like start it the week of August 23rd and wind up on the 29th...Something like that. That way people won't feel bombarded and the honor feels less like "let's strike while the iron's hot". I don't get how TV station's are run at all...I guess it's a good thing I'm not in that field. I shudder when I think about how close I came to getting into TV and radio...Not that I'm knocking people who are in that field, but I realized early, that I wasn't cut out for it and just chose another path. I guess as long as you maintain your integrity while you're doing what you love, no harm, no foul, right?
Ladysmith Black Mambazo...
Ladysmith Black Mambazo is in town for a benefit concert tomorrow night...I wonder if they'll do that "The Moon is Dancing" song...If they do,...I can't promise I won't cry, but it won't keep me from singing along. :) I've always loved LBM, my mother did too.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Walter Kronkite
I was sorry to hear about his passing...It's not like I didn't expect it though. I can't even remember him with dark hair...I guess because that was before my time...news broadcasts kept playing the footage of him announcing JFK's assasination...Again, that was something I couldn't really relate to...I barely remember Hinckley's assassination on Reagan...
40th Anniversary of Moon Landing
I wish I could comment more on this, but being that I'm only 36, I wouldn't have remembered it. I used to be more excited about space travel, until I started noticing and thinking about certain things I began to notice as I got older. Personally, I think we should take care of the earth first, before anyone even thinks about setting up colonies on the moon or anyplace else.
Friday, July 17, 2009
Hot Toys 1/6 Thriller figure
I love it! It definitely leaves that little LJN doll in the dust. I've pre-ordered mine from Big Bad Toy Store, but if they run short, I plan to use eBay as a backup (I did that with my Hot Toy and Medicom TDK Joker action figures and that worked out, so I'm hoping that I can do the same thing this time without it biting me in the a#$.). I think there's enough pictures of Hot Toys' Thriller action figure on other people's blogs, that I don't need to be redundant here.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Lost my bid...
I lost my bid on Michael Jackson's Moonwalk (I expected eBay to be like a madhouse, so I can't say I'm surprised. Remember the Simpsons episode "Round Midnight"? I feel like Lisa did when she was trying to get a hold of Sax on the Beach. Then, to add insult to injury, she made the mistake of telling the salesman/cashier/owner of the record store that Bleeding Gums Murphy was dead and so, he marked the price of the album up. I'm hoping at some point it's going to die down, but it doesn't look like it's going to happen soon. Also, the people selling memorabilia that isn't autographed for prices that have commas in them, really need a reality check (Yes, there's a reason why your s_ _ t isn't selling, guess what it is.) I read Moonwalk when it first came out, but I got it from the library...I can remember almost nothing of it now...but I want a copy of my own. Right now, my move and my medical expenses take priority...like I said, I can wait this out. If I'm meant to get one, I will.
The footage previously unreleased footage from Michael Jackson's Pepsi commercial accident
I saw this yesterday and it made me feel terrible. I was in elementary school, when this happened...I think I remember them (Pepsi executives?, handlers? the publicist?, family, possibly all?) saying the burnt section of his hair was no bigger than a dime or a quarter or something like that. From what I saw yesterday, that's way bigger than any dime or quarter I ever saw. Someone posted a comment at I forget what site that the incident was downplayed. I definitely agree. Maybe Michael wanted it that way...but still it makes me sad.
When I get to where I'm going to move, I'd like to put plants on my balcony.
The Examiner this morning (I don't always look at it, but sometimes I find a few interesting things in it.) gave me another idea to play with. I found a tip about birdbaths and butterflies. As ridiculous as it sounds, I never considered the fact that butterflies drink at bird baths too. In the article, the writer suggests "creating a safe footing for the butterflies" by putting sand, small pebbles, or a sponge in the water. She also tells how you can make "homemade nectar", by making a four parts water to one part granulated sugar solution. I'd like to see if that works..., if it does, I'd like to take a picture of the butterflies that do land and post pictures of them here.
The Examiner this morning (I don't always look at it, but sometimes I find a few interesting things in it.) gave me another idea to play with. I found a tip about birdbaths and butterflies. As ridiculous as it sounds, I never considered the fact that butterflies drink at bird baths too. In the article, the writer suggests "creating a safe footing for the butterflies" by putting sand, small pebbles, or a sponge in the water. She also tells how you can make "homemade nectar", by making a four parts water to one part granulated sugar solution. I'd like to see if that works..., if it does, I'd like to take a picture of the butterflies that do land and post pictures of them here.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
First sand, now butter, what's next mashed potatoes?

Please don't let the tone of the title to this post fool you. I'm a beginning artist (I draw and paint...I find sculpting intimidating, so I have an immense respect for people who can do it and do it well.) and I was very impressed with this, which I saw over the weekend. If anyone knows if there are shots of this taken from other angles, please let me know.
Then, yesterday I find this news headline:
(Please let me know if the link doesn't work)
I did vote, and I'll be curious to see what the final vote winds up being. From what I can see, there's not a whole lot of middle ground, either people are sick of hearing about Michael Jackson or they love him and don't have a problem with the amount of attention he's been getting in the media so far...
I'm kind of torn...I'm going to do what feels best to me, and that is blog about him off and on until either I get tired of it or I'm done with the grieving process, whichever comes first.
If you don't want to read my posts, you don't have to, and I'll leave it at that.
p.s. The butter sculpture was not to be...Maybe if it had been someplace else besides Iowa. Oh well.
Note to self...
I really have got to remember to read all of someone's blog post before responding to it...
Monday, July 13, 2009
People magazine's 70's book
I was in the grocery store and I spotted this while I was in the checkout line. All sorts of memories came flooding back. I used to have a little Mork and Mindy T-shirt. I remember watching Happy Days, Laverne & Shirley, Three's Company, The Muppet Show, Wonder Woman, The Bionic Woman, The Hardy Boys, I can't remember the names of them, but there were these little book review shows for kids and teens (I'm not talking about Reading Rainbow, these came before. I remember one time the read an excerpt of Madeline L'Engle's A Wrinkle in Time...) ...Yeah, I was a little kid, but I remember a lot. My dad still has the Star Wars soundtrack album. I remember us going to the movies to see Thank God It's Friday.
Does anyone else out there remember Battle of the Network Stars?
Some seventies stuff I didn't get into until I was old enough to appreciate it, like Carrie, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, ...(Oddly enough I have my dad to thank for my love of Led Zeppelin...funny how stuff like that works.)
I didn't get into too many of the fads...rollerskating, pet rocks...
I do remember having a mood ring or two though. Some worked like they were supposed to, some didn't. I also think that after a certain length of time they stop working all together.
I also remember (and I refuse to believe I'm just imagining it.), honey buns, moon pies, etc. were larger.
I'm somewhat nostalgic about that time, but...I'm realistic enough to remember the good and the bad...Just like with the 80's and 90's...
Time flies doesn't it?....
Does anyone else out there remember Battle of the Network Stars?
Some seventies stuff I didn't get into until I was old enough to appreciate it, like Carrie, The Rocky Horror Picture Show, Pink Floyd, Led Zeppelin, ...(Oddly enough I have my dad to thank for my love of Led Zeppelin...funny how stuff like that works.)
I didn't get into too many of the fads...rollerskating, pet rocks...
I do remember having a mood ring or two though. Some worked like they were supposed to, some didn't. I also think that after a certain length of time they stop working all together.
I also remember (and I refuse to believe I'm just imagining it.), honey buns, moon pies, etc. were larger.
I'm somewhat nostalgic about that time, but...I'm realistic enough to remember the good and the bad...Just like with the 80's and 90's...
Time flies doesn't it?....
Friday, July 10, 2009
Old vs. new
I'm actually getting to the point where I'm better about blogging than I am writing entries in my journals the old fashioned way. It's a shame isn't it? Both have their pros and cons, I must admit. I actually like doing both for different reasons. I'll elaborate when I get a spare moment...Work has me very busy. I'm monitoring eBay auctions and I've got family stuff to deal with.
The Great Debates on Vh-1
Some of these I actually liked...Others, I was like "What's wrong with y'all?"
The Muppets vs. Bogie and Bacall? C'mon now.
I've heard the Ginger vs. Mary Ann debate before...
They made me laugh with Webster vs. Arnold. I said Punky Brewster. :D (I have one male cousin and no brothers. I'd do way better with a little girl. )
Both sets of Charlie's Angels tying made me smile.
The worst sports injury decision I definitely agreed with. I felt like I broke my leg all over again just watching that.
Thundercats vs. He-Man ...That one made me laugh. I liked them both. I can also remember little kids at the bus stop using their umbrellas as swords, saying "By the power of Greyskull!"
The Muppets vs. Bogie and Bacall? C'mon now.
I've heard the Ginger vs. Mary Ann debate before...
They made me laugh with Webster vs. Arnold. I said Punky Brewster. :D (I have one male cousin and no brothers. I'd do way better with a little girl. )
Both sets of Charlie's Angels tying made me smile.
The worst sports injury decision I definitely agreed with. I felt like I broke my leg all over again just watching that.
Thundercats vs. He-Man ...That one made me laugh. I liked them both. I can also remember little kids at the bus stop using their umbrellas as swords, saying "By the power of Greyskull!"
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Insomnia, Cracking down on acetaminophen...
Ok, I'm going to sort of combine posts here, because I take medications that cause both of these subjects to be of great concern to me...
Michael Jackson's is the second recent celebrity death that I can think of where someone was having a problem with insomnia. At first, I thought that was something that just got worse with age, but Heath Ledger was like...what 28? Michael Jackson was 50. I just turned 36. I'm thinking a person's medical background has a lot to do with whether or not they turn into an insomniac and also their personalities or how they handle/cope with stress. I know because of the hours I work, I do not like to take my prescribed sleep aids, because not only is it difficult to wake up, but if you don't get in that full 8 hours of sleep, the medication makes you feel...weird. I just don't feel like myself at all and I don't like the feeling. No one has ever pulled me aside and said anything, but still. It's food for thought.
As far as the acetaminophen...I know it got my mother through for the longest time. She had rheumatoid arthritis. I have rheumatoid markers in my blood, but I only have fibromyalgia. I'm hoping if I stay active, it won't go very badly for me. My doctor has prescribed me Ultracet/Tramadol. The little tablets are 37.5mg. I need to tell my doctor that the regular dosage is still doing squat. He prescribed Lidocaine patches to see if they helped, they do nothing. If this proposed crackdown goes through...they're talking about lowering dosages...all that's going to do is cause more people to self medicate, which ultimately will cause more harm than good in the long run. At least that's the way I see it. I live it every day, so I know. I'm not just guessing. As far as the trial and error that goes along with trying to find a new medication...I lost $40 on the Lidocaine already. I have a move to plan, long-term care I'm trying to set up, not to mention my regular bills. I don't need this and I'm sure a lot of other people out there don't either. Plus, I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in the fact that once I take a medication for a long period of time, I build up a tolerance for it, sometimes it seems like within months...When that happens, it takes more pills to do the same thing. To crack down on acetaminophen at this point in time would really truly be a step backward...This is another news headline I will definitely be keeping an eye on.
Michael Jackson's is the second recent celebrity death that I can think of where someone was having a problem with insomnia. At first, I thought that was something that just got worse with age, but Heath Ledger was like...what 28? Michael Jackson was 50. I just turned 36. I'm thinking a person's medical background has a lot to do with whether or not they turn into an insomniac and also their personalities or how they handle/cope with stress. I know because of the hours I work, I do not like to take my prescribed sleep aids, because not only is it difficult to wake up, but if you don't get in that full 8 hours of sleep, the medication makes you feel...weird. I just don't feel like myself at all and I don't like the feeling. No one has ever pulled me aside and said anything, but still. It's food for thought.
As far as the acetaminophen...I know it got my mother through for the longest time. She had rheumatoid arthritis. I have rheumatoid markers in my blood, but I only have fibromyalgia. I'm hoping if I stay active, it won't go very badly for me. My doctor has prescribed me Ultracet/Tramadol. The little tablets are 37.5mg. I need to tell my doctor that the regular dosage is still doing squat. He prescribed Lidocaine patches to see if they helped, they do nothing. If this proposed crackdown goes through...they're talking about lowering dosages...all that's going to do is cause more people to self medicate, which ultimately will cause more harm than good in the long run. At least that's the way I see it. I live it every day, so I know. I'm not just guessing. As far as the trial and error that goes along with trying to find a new medication...I lost $40 on the Lidocaine already. I have a move to plan, long-term care I'm trying to set up, not to mention my regular bills. I don't need this and I'm sure a lot of other people out there don't either. Plus, I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in the fact that once I take a medication for a long period of time, I build up a tolerance for it, sometimes it seems like within months...When that happens, it takes more pills to do the same thing. To crack down on acetaminophen at this point in time would really truly be a step backward...This is another news headline I will definitely be keeping an eye on.
Trying new things...
Yesterday, I used the little icon to add a link to a post. I was happy to see that my blog didn't explode or crash or anything, so hopefully, within the next few months I will try more stuff.
Not sure about adding video yet...That's a little much for me yet. I wonder if you pay extra, if they'll let you soup up your blog even more, you know, like Live Journal does...I'll have to look into that.
If my stalker finally leaves me alone, I will be posting pics, but not until. He found out where in the building I work this past Monday and to say I'm not happy is an understatement.
Not sure about adding video yet...That's a little much for me yet. I wonder if you pay extra, if they'll let you soup up your blog even more, you know, like Live Journal does...I'll have to look into that.
If my stalker finally leaves me alone, I will be posting pics, but not until. He found out where in the building I work this past Monday and to say I'm not happy is an understatement.
Saw something interesting on Yahoo! this morning...
A congresswoman ( I think her name is Sheila Jackson Lee) is trying to get a house resolution passed that will honor Michael Jackson...I'm not sure if she'll succeed, but I'll definitely be watching. Maybe if she doesn't succeed, someone else will pick it up at a later time...I want them to strike while the iron's hot if they're going to do it...I want so badly to suspend my disbelief...Give people the benefit of the doubt...I can't blame her for trying...
p.s. 7/9/2009 Well, Nancy Pelosi shut that down quickly. Never say never...
p.s. 7/9/2009 Well, Nancy Pelosi shut that down quickly. Never say never...
The Memorial Service for Michael Jackson yesterday...
I have don't ever remember seeing anything like that for anyone before...
What had me puzzled was just about every news broadcaster commented on how dignified and classy the service was. What were they expecting? Remarks like that speak volumes all by themselves. It'd be so nice, if people would actually think before they speak. :)
The speakers...Al Sharpton...Brooke Shields... I didn't get to catch the whole service, because I was at work, and I couldn't see the TV in the back from my desk. I had the service on the computer in another window while I was working, but it kept cutting off and on. I was thankful to see any pictures and audio though since I couldn't be there in person. Before I logged on, I was afraid so many people in different places would be trying to watch it at the same time, that the site would crash entirely, but it didn't. I was also pleasantly surprised to find out how many of my co-workers/cubicle neighbors had it on as well.
The performances...Usher, Jennifer Hudson, Stevie Wonder and when Jermaine Jackson took the stage...not only was I glad to see him sing, but I he struggled to hold it together, but he succeeded...I can only imagine how hard that was to do...
I was watching with my co-workers for a while, but I found it hard to hold it together after a bit, so I spent most of the service in my cubicle. (I can't be mad at Diana Ross or Elizabeth Taylor, not in the least bit. I'm not even still angry at my oldest cousin for not coming to my mother's funeral anymore. Everybody grieves differently...)
Another thing that blew my mind was the footage of so many people in so many different locations, not just in the U.S., but everywhere...I guess I'd temporarily forgotten how huge of an impact Michael Jackson made on the world. I don't know very many entertainers of color that you can say that about, let alone an entertainer period. I'm not talking about someone who's just known. I'm talking about someone that can elicit that type of an emotional outpouring from people. I've never seen that before...not ever, and I don't think I ever will...
What had me puzzled was just about every news broadcaster commented on how dignified and classy the service was. What were they expecting? Remarks like that speak volumes all by themselves. It'd be so nice, if people would actually think before they speak. :)
The speakers...Al Sharpton...Brooke Shields... I didn't get to catch the whole service, because I was at work, and I couldn't see the TV in the back from my desk. I had the service on the computer in another window while I was working, but it kept cutting off and on. I was thankful to see any pictures and audio though since I couldn't be there in person. Before I logged on, I was afraid so many people in different places would be trying to watch it at the same time, that the site would crash entirely, but it didn't. I was also pleasantly surprised to find out how many of my co-workers/cubicle neighbors had it on as well.
The performances...Usher, Jennifer Hudson, Stevie Wonder and when Jermaine Jackson took the stage...not only was I glad to see him sing, but I he struggled to hold it together, but he succeeded...I can only imagine how hard that was to do...
I was watching with my co-workers for a while, but I found it hard to hold it together after a bit, so I spent most of the service in my cubicle. (I can't be mad at Diana Ross or Elizabeth Taylor, not in the least bit. I'm not even still angry at my oldest cousin for not coming to my mother's funeral anymore. Everybody grieves differently...)
Another thing that blew my mind was the footage of so many people in so many different locations, not just in the U.S., but everywhere...I guess I'd temporarily forgotten how huge of an impact Michael Jackson made on the world. I don't know very many entertainers of color that you can say that about, let alone an entertainer period. I'm not talking about someone who's just known. I'm talking about someone that can elicit that type of an emotional outpouring from people. I've never seen that before...not ever, and I don't think I ever will...
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Why do people do this? question # 2
Ok, I'm not going to lump all older people into the same boat here, but why is it that when you say something, some older people insist that you mean something different or you don't know what you're talking about?
I was standing outside today talking to a woman selling Michael Jackson (and Barack Obama) merchandise. We started talking about Michael Jackson. I was looking at different posters and T-shirts that she had laid out on her table. I pointed to a picture of him from the Jackson Five days, and said I remember him from this far back. She said, "You remember him from this far back." and points to a picture of him from Thriller. How's she going to tell me? My mother had the Jackson Five Christmas album, I remember that from when I was knee high to a duck. (It's still at my dad's apartment.) One of my father's older sister's had Off the Wall, I remember that album cover well too, because I used to stare at it while the music was playing (Yeah, I was 5 at the time, and?). My point here is...lol I know what I remember. :D And no one can tell me different, some stuff I'm spotty on, but there are some things I can remember like they literally happened yesterday. I think that's part of why today will always be so bittersweet for me...
I was standing outside today talking to a woman selling Michael Jackson (and Barack Obama) merchandise. We started talking about Michael Jackson. I was looking at different posters and T-shirts that she had laid out on her table. I pointed to a picture of him from the Jackson Five days, and said I remember him from this far back. She said, "You remember him from this far back." and points to a picture of him from Thriller. How's she going to tell me? My mother had the Jackson Five Christmas album, I remember that from when I was knee high to a duck. (It's still at my dad's apartment.) One of my father's older sister's had Off the Wall, I remember that album cover well too, because I used to stare at it while the music was playing (Yeah, I was 5 at the time, and?). My point here is...lol I know what I remember. :D And no one can tell me different, some stuff I'm spotty on, but there are some things I can remember like they literally happened yesterday. I think that's part of why today will always be so bittersweet for me...
Goodbye to Michael Jackson...?
I'm not even sure how to begin this post...
I guess I'll start like this. Everyone has their own beliefs about death. Mine have evolved over the years, I guess because I've had something like 4 brushes with death (at least that I can recall). The first I was about 3 or 4 and I don't know why I put the candy wrapper in my mouth, but I almost choked to death on it. The next time, I think I was around 8 and a friend was trying to teach me to swim. I don't remember where the lifeguard was, but I almost drowned. The last two brushes, I was hit by a car. (Neither time was it my fault) I feel like given these experiences, I have a reason to legitimately believe that death is not the end...for this reason, I don't buy into death as a goodbye...I see it as more of a see you later. I feel this way about my mom especially. Do I think sentimentality has something to do with my belief, I'd be a fool not to say yes, but that's not all of what fuels my beliefs.
The picture the family saw in the tree...draw your own conclusion
After the dream I had on Friday night/Saturday morning, I'm the last one in a position to say a thing. I'd describe it here..., but I'm still self-conscious enough to care what people think about me, and I don't want the negative attention describing my dream at the present time might draw. On the other hand, as has happened to me before, I could be worrying over nothing and if I tell it, people will probably consider it fairly bland compared to some of the more sensational stuff out there. I don't know...Maybe next month (on the 29th?)...Or one day when I'm feeling really brave.
The other element fueling my need to see death as another doorway, may be guilt. I've felt this with my paternal grandfather, my mother, and my maternal grandmother (Anything from not seeing them enough, to taking them for granted, to not appreciating what they had to offer while they were still here.). Obviously, the degree of guilt that I feel over the death of someone I don't know personally verus the degree of guilt I feel over a close relative is going to be different, but I still feel it deeply, for two reasons. I have no idea why I feel it so strongly, but I feel like I was wrong as far as the whole "did he? or didn't he?" argument goes...I feel like because I was wrong I forgot what a wonderful entertainer this man was. I've also heard a plausible theory that I hadn't heard before about why Michael Jackson changed his face. (The only person that really knows at this point is him anyway and he wasn't going to tell until he got good and ready, if then.) I let these things keep me from enjoying someone I thoroughly enjoyed as a kid, and I'm just going to say it point blank. I missed out. I got rid of some things that I can never get back. The thought of that alone makes me want to cry all over again. And the memories that went with them, don't even get me started on that. The only thing I was able to salvage. Thank God! ...was my mother's 45 of Get it Together/Touch. Don't think I'm not going to buy a record player as soon as I can afford (If I have to hit every flea market from hear to Cucamonga.).
I think it was something like a week or two before his passing, I happened to put it on Fox 5 early, because I was waiting on The Simpsons and I caught some of TMZ. Somebody, I don't know if it was the cameraman or someone with him, asked Michael Jackson if he could still moonwalk. He was being driven around in a car and the window was partially down. Anyway, he responded, "Why wouldn't I?". He didn't respond angrily or defensively, just genuinely puzzled and I had to laugh at that. I don't ever recall him acting like a jerk, even when someone gave him a reason to...how nerve-wrecking does that have to be? (and to do it day in, day out in the public eye? I really don't have a good feeling thinking about someone being unjustly put under/subjected to that type of stress. Nope, not good at all. ) Then, when I heard the news on...what was it, the 25th of June? That evening I was fine, but the next day, the reality of it started setting it and it hit me... hard.
I never hated Michael Jackson...I never wanted to see him hurt physically or emotionally/mentally, and I most definitely didn't want to see him dead.
I wish I'd been in a position to apply for the tickets for today's service, but with my upcoming move, my fibromyalgia, and the logistics of carrying out getting to LA involved, there was just no way.
I'm sorry. I love you, Michael and I will miss you more than mere words can express. Thank you for your music, your videos/short films, and being uniquely you.
I guess I'll start like this. Everyone has their own beliefs about death. Mine have evolved over the years, I guess because I've had something like 4 brushes with death (at least that I can recall). The first I was about 3 or 4 and I don't know why I put the candy wrapper in my mouth, but I almost choked to death on it. The next time, I think I was around 8 and a friend was trying to teach me to swim. I don't remember where the lifeguard was, but I almost drowned. The last two brushes, I was hit by a car. (Neither time was it my fault) I feel like given these experiences, I have a reason to legitimately believe that death is not the end...for this reason, I don't buy into death as a goodbye...I see it as more of a see you later. I feel this way about my mom especially. Do I think sentimentality has something to do with my belief, I'd be a fool not to say yes, but that's not all of what fuels my beliefs.
The picture the family saw in the tree...draw your own conclusion
After the dream I had on Friday night/Saturday morning, I'm the last one in a position to say a thing. I'd describe it here..., but I'm still self-conscious enough to care what people think about me, and I don't want the negative attention describing my dream at the present time might draw. On the other hand, as has happened to me before, I could be worrying over nothing and if I tell it, people will probably consider it fairly bland compared to some of the more sensational stuff out there. I don't know...Maybe next month (on the 29th?)...Or one day when I'm feeling really brave.
The other element fueling my need to see death as another doorway, may be guilt. I've felt this with my paternal grandfather, my mother, and my maternal grandmother (Anything from not seeing them enough, to taking them for granted, to not appreciating what they had to offer while they were still here.). Obviously, the degree of guilt that I feel over the death of someone I don't know personally verus the degree of guilt I feel over a close relative is going to be different, but I still feel it deeply, for two reasons. I have no idea why I feel it so strongly, but I feel like I was wrong as far as the whole "did he? or didn't he?" argument goes...I feel like because I was wrong I forgot what a wonderful entertainer this man was. I've also heard a plausible theory that I hadn't heard before about why Michael Jackson changed his face. (The only person that really knows at this point is him anyway and he wasn't going to tell until he got good and ready, if then.) I let these things keep me from enjoying someone I thoroughly enjoyed as a kid, and I'm just going to say it point blank. I missed out. I got rid of some things that I can never get back. The thought of that alone makes me want to cry all over again. And the memories that went with them, don't even get me started on that. The only thing I was able to salvage. Thank God! ...was my mother's 45 of Get it Together/Touch. Don't think I'm not going to buy a record player as soon as I can afford (If I have to hit every flea market from hear to Cucamonga.).
I think it was something like a week or two before his passing, I happened to put it on Fox 5 early, because I was waiting on The Simpsons and I caught some of TMZ. Somebody, I don't know if it was the cameraman or someone with him, asked Michael Jackson if he could still moonwalk. He was being driven around in a car and the window was partially down. Anyway, he responded, "Why wouldn't I?". He didn't respond angrily or defensively, just genuinely puzzled and I had to laugh at that. I don't ever recall him acting like a jerk, even when someone gave him a reason to...how nerve-wrecking does that have to be? (and to do it day in, day out in the public eye? I really don't have a good feeling thinking about someone being unjustly put under/subjected to that type of stress. Nope, not good at all. ) Then, when I heard the news on...what was it, the 25th of June? That evening I was fine, but the next day, the reality of it started setting it and it hit me... hard.
I never hated Michael Jackson...I never wanted to see him hurt physically or emotionally/mentally, and I most definitely didn't want to see him dead.
I wish I'd been in a position to apply for the tickets for today's service, but with my upcoming move, my fibromyalgia, and the logistics of carrying out getting to LA involved, there was just no way.
I'm sorry. I love you, Michael and I will miss you more than mere words can express. Thank you for your music, your videos/short films, and being uniquely you.
I've been thinking a lot about biopics lately. I was watching Janis Joplin's Biograpy on the Biography channel (sometimes episodes of Biography still air early in the mornings on A& E as well.) and a commercial comes on for a Janis Joplin biopic starring Zooey Deschanel. That knocked me for a loop, because the only names I'd heard bantered about for a while were Renee Zellwegger, Pink, and I'm drawing a blank as to whether or not I heard a third name. I'd like to see what happens with this...If Zooey Deschanel can do the job, more power to her. : D
Michael Jackson...I think I have some idea as to how Johnny Depp's name came up in connection with his as far as portraying him in a film. Think of Johnny Depp's characterizations in Edward Scissorhands. Now think of how people started reading stuff into his on Willy Wonka in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Marlon Brando was also a mutual friend of both Michael Jackson and Johnny Depp. The wheels got turning in somebody's head and they just ran with it. I like how gracefully Johnny Depp dealt with the rumour though. I met him, very briefly once. He seems nice.
If they eventually do wind up doing a biopic of Michael Jackson (and or the Jacksons and the Jackson Five), and I think it's only a matter of time. (Or maybe not. Maybe after next month, the fervor will go down, most people that weren't into Michael Jackson will move on to whoever catches their attention next or back to whoever caught their attention before. )
The way I'd like to see it done, is that they cast in unknown at the different ages they cover, like they did in the TV movie. I can't really see Jamie Foxx playing Michael, but I may be wrong and he might be able to knock it off the park (A lot of actors have been successful in more than one biopic, why should he be any different?). Nick Cannon...sometimes he crosses that line from confidence to arrogance a little too often for me, but that's just my opinion. Again, he may be cast and do a wonderful job. There may be more than one pic (the way for a while there were dueling Janis Joplin biopics.). At this early stage, pretty much anything can happen. This is also another of those times I'm missing my mother greatly, because I could run this whole blog entry by my mother, and she would go, well what about __________ _________, and suggest an actor/entertainer that hadn't even occurred to me, but will sound better and better the more I think about it. (She didn't that once with Laurence Fishburne. She suggested that he would make a good Jimi Hendrix [I can't remember if this was before or after What's Love Got to Do with It. I'm thinking it was before.].) I didn't really like the movie they did with Wood Harris. Something was missing in his performance. It felt more like an impersonation, than a well-rounded portrayal. Just my thoughts...it'll be interesting to see what happens.
Michael Jackson...I think I have some idea as to how Johnny Depp's name came up in connection with his as far as portraying him in a film. Think of Johnny Depp's characterizations in Edward Scissorhands. Now think of how people started reading stuff into his on Willy Wonka in Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Marlon Brando was also a mutual friend of both Michael Jackson and Johnny Depp. The wheels got turning in somebody's head and they just ran with it. I like how gracefully Johnny Depp dealt with the rumour though. I met him, very briefly once. He seems nice.
If they eventually do wind up doing a biopic of Michael Jackson (and or the Jacksons and the Jackson Five), and I think it's only a matter of time. (Or maybe not. Maybe after next month, the fervor will go down, most people that weren't into Michael Jackson will move on to whoever catches their attention next or back to whoever caught their attention before. )
The way I'd like to see it done, is that they cast in unknown at the different ages they cover, like they did in the TV movie. I can't really see Jamie Foxx playing Michael, but I may be wrong and he might be able to knock it off the park (A lot of actors have been successful in more than one biopic, why should he be any different?). Nick Cannon...sometimes he crosses that line from confidence to arrogance a little too often for me, but that's just my opinion. Again, he may be cast and do a wonderful job. There may be more than one pic (the way for a while there were dueling Janis Joplin biopics.). At this early stage, pretty much anything can happen. This is also another of those times I'm missing my mother greatly, because I could run this whole blog entry by my mother, and she would go, well what about __________ _________, and suggest an actor/entertainer that hadn't even occurred to me, but will sound better and better the more I think about it. (She didn't that once with Laurence Fishburne. She suggested that he would make a good Jimi Hendrix [I can't remember if this was before or after What's Love Got to Do with It. I'm thinking it was before.].) I didn't really like the movie they did with Wood Harris. Something was missing in his performance. It felt more like an impersonation, than a well-rounded portrayal. Just my thoughts...it'll be interesting to see what happens.
Payroll conversion
I just found out that my second paycheck of the month is going to be undergoing some sort of changes that will supposedly be "transparent to the employee". We'll see. There are certain things that make me question ever starting to work for the federal government permanently, this is one. It's like they live to complicate and confuse. Working in the field of law is similar to me. I don't know about y'all, but I could use a lot less stress in my life. I hope this doesn't wreck my plans to move...
The Sci-Fi channels name change to SyFy
Ok, someone needs to explain the logic of this one to me. I can think of no way that it makes sense. Maybe I'm missing something.
Blade prequel trilogy?
Why do people wait so long to do these things?
There's a TV show debuting tonight that's based on the movie 10 Things I Hate About You (which I absolutely loved.).
I loved the first Blade movie, because of the action, the fact that it was depicting vampires in a way I hadn't seen done before and because of Wesley Snipes and Stephen Dorff's performances. The only thing I didn't like was that last bit, I thought Deacon Frost's demise was a bit too cartoony. He deserved a better exit.
If this gets off the ground and it's good, wonderful. If not, my life definitely won't come to an end.
There's a TV show debuting tonight that's based on the movie 10 Things I Hate About You (which I absolutely loved.).
I loved the first Blade movie, because of the action, the fact that it was depicting vampires in a way I hadn't seen done before and because of Wesley Snipes and Stephen Dorff's performances. The only thing I didn't like was that last bit, I thought Deacon Frost's demise was a bit too cartoony. He deserved a better exit.
If this gets off the ground and it's good, wonderful. If not, my life definitely won't come to an end.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Hodge Podge #2
I'll be blogging about a bunch of stuff.
Can't believe I'm turning 36 in a couple of days. I'm not depressed, but it's an odd feeling...
I've got the place to myself right now, which is bliss.
My sis may be planning some type of surprise. I'm wary.
I made an embarassing little blunder yesterday. I tweeted and found that I don't have 2 followers, I'm back to one. But, they're different people each time. It's like they see I don't tweet that much, they get bored and they leave. As for why I don't have followers here, I'm assuming it's because there are to many people out there basically saying the same thing that I am. That and I have no pics up yet.
Everybody that works with me knows that I am a Johnny Depp fan. They asked me if I was going to see his new film. I responded that I didn't know. I'm not really into gangster pictures. I'm more interested in Tim Burton's version of Alice in Wonderland that and The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus. That's my kind of stuff. I also loved how Johnny Depp handled whoever that was that asked him if he'd play Michael Jackson in a movie (Obviously they haven't seen Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Yeah, I know he didn't base his performance on Michael Jackson, but still how can you not see the similarities?)
I think The Wizard of Oz is on tonight. You know what would be cool? If they'd show The Wiz right after it.
I'm trying to download the song "Scream" onto my phone for a ringtone (That's one of my favorite Michael Jackson songs.), but I can't figure out how to click on the link. I'm going to see if I can't get my sister to help me.
On Demand has some Michael Jackson videos, but most of them are the ones they always play when Michael Jackson is being focused on.
So many memories are flooding back to me that I'd forgotten... I remembered that my mother had a Motown 45 that had the Jackson 5 singing "Get it Together" on one side and I think the B-side was a song called "Touch". (Or maybe it's the other way around.)
If I could just find it this weekend, and there's no water damage...I'll be ecstatic. The sad thing is, I've got nothing to play it on. The only record player is over at my dad's apartment. Maybe I'll buy myself one at some point, just for nostalgia's sake...
Can't believe I'm turning 36 in a couple of days. I'm not depressed, but it's an odd feeling...
I've got the place to myself right now, which is bliss.
My sis may be planning some type of surprise. I'm wary.
I made an embarassing little blunder yesterday. I tweeted and found that I don't have 2 followers, I'm back to one. But, they're different people each time. It's like they see I don't tweet that much, they get bored and they leave. As for why I don't have followers here, I'm assuming it's because there are to many people out there basically saying the same thing that I am. That and I have no pics up yet.
Everybody that works with me knows that I am a Johnny Depp fan. They asked me if I was going to see his new film. I responded that I didn't know. I'm not really into gangster pictures. I'm more interested in Tim Burton's version of Alice in Wonderland that and The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus. That's my kind of stuff. I also loved how Johnny Depp handled whoever that was that asked him if he'd play Michael Jackson in a movie (Obviously they haven't seen Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Yeah, I know he didn't base his performance on Michael Jackson, but still how can you not see the similarities?)
I think The Wizard of Oz is on tonight. You know what would be cool? If they'd show The Wiz right after it.
I'm trying to download the song "Scream" onto my phone for a ringtone (That's one of my favorite Michael Jackson songs.), but I can't figure out how to click on the link. I'm going to see if I can't get my sister to help me.
On Demand has some Michael Jackson videos, but most of them are the ones they always play when Michael Jackson is being focused on.
So many memories are flooding back to me that I'd forgotten... I remembered that my mother had a Motown 45 that had the Jackson 5 singing "Get it Together" on one side and I think the B-side was a song called "Touch". (Or maybe it's the other way around.)
If I could just find it this weekend, and there's no water damage...I'll be ecstatic. The sad thing is, I've got nothing to play it on. The only record player is over at my dad's apartment. Maybe I'll buy myself one at some point, just for nostalgia's sake...
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
The Little silky terrier...
I was on my way home from work and this little dog ran up beside me, weaving in and out of my steps, looking for all the world like he (or she) was just as pleased as punch to see me. I think it was a little silky terrier, but I'm not sure. It could have been just a mutt, who knows, but I couldn't help but laugh. I hadn't laughed like that in a long time, which is kind of sad when you think about. Its owner is calling to it, and I'm just laughing. I kept thinking to myself, I was either going to eventually trip over the dog or accidentally kick it (which I would really have hated myself for, even if it was accidental). Luckily, the dog made it back to its owner and neither of those two things happened. I've been considering getting a pet for a while. I'm thinking a dog like this one wouldn't be so bad. I've got a list of what breeds are best for someone who lives in an apartment. Everyone I've talked to about this keeps insisting I should get a cat. My sourpuss dad would probably say neither. (It's like he forgets what it was like to be young or something.) I like both dogs and cats. My thought on this is, I'm going to go home with whichever responds to me best. At some point, if I ever get a house, I might get one of each.
Another Twitter follower...
I'm pleased and a bit surprised to find that I have another Twitter follower. I'll try not to disappoint.
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