Monday, March 9, 2009


I'll get into more detail on this hopefully later. There are a few spoilers here, so consider yourself warned.
I've got to confess, I haven't read the graphic novel in its entirety yet.
Usually, I try to read the book or graphic novel a film is based on before I go see it.
I won't bore you with the excuses, but I will say, that obviously it didn't work out that way this time.

I was over on Jorge Garcia's blog and he compared Dr. Manhattan to a smurf. I thought that was funny. My niece has no idea what a smurf is. If that doesn't make me feel old, I don't know what does. Oh yeah, but back to the movie, I really enjoyed it. I don't really have a favorite character yet, I want to read the graphic novel and make a comparision first. I know Silk Spectre II in the graphic novel seemed more whiney than her cinematic counterpart. Something else that jumped out at me about Silk Spectre II. Her hair. I'm sorry, but that's such a combat hazard. What villain/villainess worth his or her salt is not going to go for her hair? As it was I was afraid her hair was going to catch fire when she went into that building.
Other differences between the movie and the graphic novel...
What happened between The Comedian and Silk Spectre I is a lot darker in the graphic novel. The movie softens it a bit. Visually this movie was stunning... Bubastis...
Dr. Manhattan...(Silk Spectre II got mad at him for making himself triplets why?), the place Dr. Manhattan built for himself on Mars. In the graphic novel, I love how excerpts from Under the
Hood are included. I wish it was a separate book unto itself. One of the things I didn't like about the movie was how exaggerated Nixon's nose was. It was distracting. It was probably meant to be a caricature/ a joke/ tongue in cheek, but they just went overboard there. If the soundtrack is any good, I may get it. I will definitely be getting this when it comes out on DVD. I hear the special features should be really interesting and that they will include the pirate story.

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