Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My thoughts on Spellbound True Blood Ep. 8, Season 4 (contains spoilers)

Jessica - I'm so happy she's alright, it's not even funny.  She's one of my favorite characters.  Her complexity, the way Deborah Ann Woll portrays her, just everything.

Eric - As much as I hate to say it, I'm more than ready for the old Eric to return.  This one is too much of a liability, at least when there's a necromancer about. 

Marnie/Antonia - I have no idea how they're going to stop her. 

Jason - I love that he's determined to do right by Hoyt even though he's got feelings for Jessica. 
This whole triangle is just so messy and one I never would have seen coming.  I still don't think we've seen the last of Crystal either, so it just might turn into a quadrangle (is that even a word?  Much less a possibility a love quadrangle? )

Tara - I still don't understand how she can blame all vampires for the actions of a few.  She's more like book Tara now and for once I'm not happy about faithfulness to the book. 

Marcus - Is the father of Luna's child [Can't remember the little girl's name :(  Emma?   ]  I never saw that coming. 
And what's with some of the weres looking down on shifters?    Is that jealousy or what? 

Lafayette - That whole thing with Mavis was just crazy and where was Jesus

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

True Blood Season 4, Episode 5 (Contains Spoilers) - Me and the Devil

Eric -- I love this Eric...I never thought I'd hear myself say that, but I really do. 

Alcide -- Although I think his display of power was admirable, I think he needs to watch his back.

Tara--I was upset with her...I don't feel like she gave Sookie a chance to explain herself.  I understand that she was traumatized, but I feel like if anything that should help her understand how complex stuff can sometimes be, not hinder her ability to understand that.  Then again, different people cope with trauma in different ways.

Sam and Tommy -- I'm glad to see them bonding again.  Didn't expect the Mickens's to go so early in the season...

Pam--  They better hurry up and figure out a way to break the spell Marnie/Antonia cast or else there will be nothing left of her.  Also...Pam's betrayal of Eric...was that OOC or is it just me?  If she didn't crack when  the magister [?] was torturing her,  so why would she crack now?  I can understand her fear, but I this just didn't ring "true" for me. 

Arlene, Terry, and Mikey - Does this woman ever think before she opens her mouth?  I love how
Terry took charge, but in a gentle way...

Reverend and Mrs. Daniels (Lettie Mae) - If I hadn't seen and experienced some of the stuff I had in the past year or so, I'd be screaming stereotype.  I don't think what they did worked...I don't know if it's lack of true faith or not enough mojo, but I just don't think it worked. 

Jesus's abuelo  -   I don't have a good feeling about him...

Holly -  It's been almost two seasons, and I'm still not sure what to make of her. 

Sookie -  I was so happy Sookie could hear Gran too, I didn't know what to do. 

Jason, Jessica, and Hoyt - That's going to get messy.  :(  I enjoy Jason's and Hoyt's friendship and would hate to see something wreck it, but I think this will...  I think Hoyt showed up in Jason's dream because Jessica exchanged blood with Hoyt for a year or longer rather than just feeding on him [this is why no one could tag along on Eric and Sookie's ride...He fed, but he didn't exchange blood with another human.]...I'm kind of hazy on how the whole bonding thing works...

Portia -- Bill must have really put it on her...For her to be that bent on being with him [I'm sorry, but I'm with Bill on this one.  Some stuff is just Wrong.]...I was amazed that he actually had to glamour her to get her to leave him alone...

Andy Bellefleur - He needs help...That's all there is to it, and the sooner he gets it the better.  His character is no fun to watch this way. 

Oh Toure and Tichina Arnold brought up something on Twitter that bugged me too.  We finally saw a Black vampire and he wound up getting choked out.  :(  Which led to a brief exchange on why we can't get a powerful Black vampire on this show.  [I'm keeping my fingers crossed for this.  I was sorry they killed off the Alpha vampire on Supernatural so quickly too.  He was absolutely amazing *Gave me chills he did.  ;)* and played by Rick Worthy.]  There was also an amusing exchange asking why it's possible to choke a vampire, when they can't breathe...This came up on Buffy and Angel so many times, that after a bit I just ignore it, no one ever gets it right and besides if you want to get technical since it takes air to talk, etc.  There'd probably be a whole lot that vampires really shouldn't be able to do.  I guess it's just up to us as viewers how far we want to suspend our disbelief in able to enjoy the show.

True Blood Seas. 4, Episode ? (Contains Spoilers)

Jason - I'm both relived and disappointed that he's not a werepanther.  I think I understand why Alan Ball did it though. 

Tommy - Just when I feel sorry for him, he winds up doing something messed up.  :(

Luna - I know she didn't know Sam well.   But I'm going to hope that when Sam explains what happened, Luna is able to be of some help to Tommy.  I also wonder if Tommy even can be saved at this point. 

Maxine -  I don't get her at all.  I just don't.  If Tommy had any remorse about taking her money from her before, he won't now. 

The Ghost lady/Mavis - I want to know who she is.  I wonder if it's a Bag of Bones type deal?  I want to know what's up with the dolls and how is it that Mikey [?] can see her?  Does seeing spirits run in Arlene's family?  Or Rene's?  So many questions!  I also wonder if it wouldn't have been better to give her a season all her own if she's that powerful of an entity. 

Eric - His answers turned out to be just the right ones...As much as I love this version of Eric.  Once he gets his memory back, I'd like him to be some kind of combination of the two.  I don't think it'd be at all realistic to have him, just go right back to being exactly the way he was. 

Andy and Holly - That could work, but only if he kicks the V...It's a pairing that I didn't see coming, and I actually kind of like it. 

Alcide and Debbie - I think I like this version of what happens between them a bit better than what happens in the book.  As far as Alcide and Sookie hooking up...Not from the way this ep ended, but I'll admit part of me would like to see her with a "supe" other than a vampire.

Marnie/ Antonia -  I hope whatever/whoever Jesus and Lafayette brought back from Jesus's abuelo is strong enough to take her down, otherwise they're in trouble.

True Blood Season 4, Episode 7 "Cold Grey Light of Dawn" Contains spoilers

Jason - What's Crystal going to say/do when she finds out Jason isn't a werepanther?  She is so not playing with a full deck. 

Jesus - I was glad to see him stand up to his abuelo.  He needed to do it. 

Lafayette - So he's a medium too, huh?  For some reason, all I kept thinking about when he was in the diner was Whoopi Goldberg in Ghost .  How is everyone going to respond to this.  I know Sookie won't treat Laffy like a freak, but Arlene...smdh. 

Tara - I don't think she should have sent Naomi off.  I know she was trying to protect her...but I just don't feel like that was a good/smart choice...

Bill -  I had a bad feeling about him not using more silver to chain up Jessica, and I was right.  He's made some pretty crappy decisions as King so far...I would like to see this change. 

Alcide  - Who knew?

Debbie - She's going to drive Alcide away herself and then blame Sookie.  I'm almost sure of it. 

Marnie/ Antonia  - She's going to be tough to beat...Extremely tough.  I have a feeling Lafayette and Jesus are only part of the equation. 

Ghost Lady/Mavis -

Tommy - He's going to come back, just like a boomerang or a bad penny.  Watch. 

Sam -  Why would you let someone out of your sight that can shapeshift into you????!!!!  I thought he was smarter than this.  He was angry I know, but he definitely didn't think that through. 

Luna - I'm glad she's not dense and it didn't take more than one episode to convince her it wasn't really Sam that she was with. 

Holly and Andy - I wanted that date to work so badly.  :(

Beulah - It would have been nice to get to know her before she became a crispy critter.  }: ( 

Pam - She's going through a lot...hope it works. 

Ginger - She is a laugh riot.  I don't know that the chainmail is going to hold Pam, unless she had silver chains in addition to the chainmail.  The way Pam was making that coffin bounce, I think Ginger better call for reinforcements. 

Eric and Sookie - They are killing me softly, but I love every minute of it.