Monday, June 27, 2011

True Blood Season 4 Premiere Notes - She's Not There - Contains Spoilers!

Lafayette -  I love him with Jesus, but I'm still hoping that whatever Jesus's motives are, he genuinely loves Lafayette.

Sookie - That thing with the fairies was just weird.  Mostly from literature and folklore I already knew the deal about eating or drinking anything, and time moving differently.  (I was bummed about Sookie's grandad.  Gary Cole's an amazing actor too, the wasted him here.  It was like Hello and Goodbye.  That to me just added to the pain.)  Seemed like she was struggling to keep Bill at arm's length

Claude - looks nothing like I pictured him...I'll give it a few episodes before I make any snap judgements though.

Bill -  Curious as to how he got to be King and not Eric.  They seem not only to be diverging from the books a bit, but mixing some of the storylines from different books together.

Jason - I feel really sorry for him, because ultimately he seems like he's just trying to do the right thing, especially by the people in Hotshot...I've read the books, so I know what's coming.  It still makes me sad.
Where is Crystal anyway?

Eric - He tripped me out with how he did the commercial, as opposed to how Pam did the commercial.  I'm amazed that he thought that Sookie would just melt when he said "I was the only one that never gave up on you."  He's persistent and he's got gall, which is part of what tickles me about him.

Nan Flanagan - She pulls no punches, I enjoy her everytime she's on.

Arlene, Terry, and the little baby whose name escapes me - I'm not crazy about this storyline...I guess because it feels so cliched/forced.  Don't get me wrong, I'd love for Terry and Arlene to have a storyline, just not this one.

Sam, Luna, and the Shapeshifter meetup group -  Please don't let Luna be another Daphne.

Tommy hanging with Hoyt's mom - Absolutely no good can come of that.

Marnie - When she was channeling Eddie (Eddy?), she creeped me right on out and again with the bird.

Tara or Toni - I just don't even know what blew my mind more...I was aware of some of the spoilers for this season, but not all.  I was thinking about Sam's dream about Bill last season and guessed all wrong.  I also feel like this sort of came out of left field.  We got hints with Willow on BtVS in "The Wish" episode.  It's been too long since I've watched Xena to fully elaborate, but there was subtext and obvious stuff with Xena and Gabrielle too.  I couldn't figure out what Alan Ball was doing with this decision for Tara/Toni...Is it to get the viewer thinking about how being gay comes about?  Ie. Is it heriditary? A choice one makes? Getting fed up with the opposite sex?  Different cases for different folks I'm thinking, but I digress... I liked how the guy who wanted to play voyeur was dealt with.  I think wailing on him would have been to easy and possibly sent the wrong message.  One thing's for sure, I don't think Naomi will be too happy when she finds out she's been lied to.

No Alcide -  Boo!   There was a lot going on, but still...I missed Alcide.

The "She's Not There" Nick Cave cover -  I loved that playing over the end credits.  I love when music is used to reinforce or tell a story.  I love it!

Friday, June 24, 2011

Just mucking about

The title of this blog is a Simpsons reference.  I've talked about that before.  Anyway, I got the bright idea to Simpsonize a photo of myself and maybe the idea behind the name of my blog would click better for people.  Most people probably think it's me being really lazy regarding thinking of a title I guess, but no.  :)
So anyway, I find that the Simpsonize Me website hasn't worked for some time.  The Simpsons Movie website had a little thing where you could make an avatar of yourself, so I gave that a shot instead.  Here my Simpsons avatar is:

  I don't have eyebrows in Springfield, which kind of annoys me.  The longer hair is because my hair has grown.  Thought about a smile with teeth too, but it just wound up looking weird.  Well, what do y'all think?

Monday, June 13, 2011

Can't believe...

Can't believe I only posted one entry for May 2011.  I've got to do better.  The more I take on, the more difficult it is to find time for everything.  I've also been drawing again...Somebody on tumblr suggested Corel Paint 11 or 12 to me, but I saw the price for 12 and I was like...Whoa! [or Woe].  :(    I can't do that, put aside money for savings, and go to Conventions [Right now it's SPN].  I don't know what type of advancement, if any I may get this year, but that only goes so far, even with cost cutting.  I may just go ahead and stick with 11.  Before anything though, I have to get to the bottom of my Windows 7 problems first. It's like it's installed halfway or something, if that's even possible.  I'm somewhat good with technology, but nowhere near as good as I'd like to be yet.

Under Your Spell, a supernatural fanfic - FanFiction.Net

Under Your Spell, a supernatural fanfic - FanFiction.Net

I love K. Hanna Korossy's SPN fics. I read a lot of different writers on and LJ, but most of the SPN fics I've read are hers.
Definitely check this fic out, it's well worth the time.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Playing catch up yet again

This is something I'm working on daily...trying not to get overwhelmed by doing too much. 

Can't complain too much about work at all...It's allowing me to do what I love on my downtime...whenever I have an off day, I try to keep that in mind. 

This heat...and it's only June...I don't know what I'm going to do...  :(  It was close to 100 yesterday, I don't remember ever experiencing anything like that before...Global Weirding I'm telling y'all.  Mr. Friedman is right. 

Going to my first SPN con next month. I'm excited...I think I get more excited with each new con that gets covered on YouTube...I think SPN Season 7 also starts shooting again next month.

During the Hellatus, I was going to do a Season 1-6 rewatch, but what I may do is a top 10 or 20 of favorite Dean focused eps, Sam focused eps, and the ones that seem to be equally about both regardless of first appearances or title...For example, I feel that the Skin ep is just as much about Sam as it is Dean.  The same thing goes for Sam, Interrupted. 

I'm drawing again...for right now, I'm using some tutorials I found online.  Unless something else moves me.  I know one WIP I'm working on right now...I'm sort of having to use references from a lot of different photos...