Met and talked in greater depth with Larry Steinberg and Ana from Portugal who is going to uni in London. She came to icon to get Ian's help with starting an environmental organization in Portugal...or perhaps a branch of the ISF there [I do so much better remembering stuff when I take notes, my memory is not what it used to be at all...]...She had a proposal written up and everything...
We had breakfast at Square Perk. We took pictures out front of the Mystic Grill too. I thought about it, but I had no makeup on and it was drizzly and cold. I took pictures of the location itself and was more than happy to assist people in getting their pics... I felt sort of like a spot of pepper in a salt shaker, but the tour didn't go quite as horrificly for me as I imagined it might.
I loved Jessica's anecdotes...? [Can't remember the gentleman's name, but he was an extra in
The Walking Dead.] told us she never tells the same story twice...I wish I could've made it down when they were actually filming something particularly at night, that would've been the icing on the cake. Still, it was an amazing experience, as it was the first tour of it's kind I've ever been on.
I did enjoy what we were shown though, regardless of not getting to see any actual filming. I had the worst time getting what little baggage I had on the plane, because it was so crowded. If it hadn't have been, I definitely would have bought more books, etc. I've always been into pop culture, history, and architecture, so not once did this tour drag for me. It was excellent. There was a little walking, but we were driven to different spots as well.