Saturday, February 26, 2011

Thoughts on the Supernatural episode The French Mistake - Contains spoilers

I didn't expect to laugh 'til I cried last night, but I did...[Couldn't concentrate well enough to tweet, watch the show and play its accompanying version of Bingo either.  Go figure...]

I think the question about whether they needed to kill someone or start running set me off first.

Fave Dean moments:  Dean had me cracking up with what he said about being a painted whore...

Wigging about the Impala (or the Metallicar if you prefer)

Dean saying how the 'verse was like bad touching.

Cracking about Blue Steel...[I'm sorry but even in jest, both Ackles and Padalecki can serve up some serious Blue Steel]

Jay -Z  XD

Trying to speak in a lower/more gravelly low voice when they were "acting".

The speech about being the bordered on overly sentimental to me, but I got it.  Someone on Twitter [My apologies for forgetting the name, but as I'm sure those of you out there on Tweetdeck know, those streams were going crazy last night.  My dad was talking to me on the phone shortly before the show, and he said "It sounds like you're on a submarine."] said that this would have been a nice cliffhanger episode for the end of the season.  I can only hope whatever they have planned will top this or at least come close to it.

Fave Sam moments:  

Although it kind of had me going Huh?  When Sam called Jared Padalecki a "something" that cracked me up [And Ladies and Gentleman I'm still fantasizing about that fight over the jeans.  It's something that popped into my head during something Jared Padalecki actually said at one of the Supernatural Cons...something about beating up Sam and taking his jeans.  It was in response to a fan asking them about taking props/wardrobe from the set I was SanFran...Gotta love YouTube, but I digress...]

The George Hamilton Dracula thing...[Reminds me of another Con clip...  In this one, a fan asks if Jared could be a demon or a vampire or some other type of monster on the show what would he be?  He said vampire ...I don't particularly like the shark teeth on the Supernatural 'verse vampires.  Not that I want them to sparkle either...Wish I could see him in a Vampires/Near Dark kind of thing...As far as viewing the Con clips, I'm gearing up to hit one too...Jul or Oct...It's gonna be awesome...again I digress.]

The Warhols had me dying...And they were his and hers...

Then there was the Ginormous Cowboy photo in the man cave or library or study or whatever it was.

An alpaca????!!!!!

Sam checking out Genevieve/Fake Ruby's rear view.  Sometimes Sam reminds me of a dog in more ways than one.

WTF Sam moment:  I must be the star of this thing?  Sam's a mess in both 'verses.

Fave Sam and Dean moments:  They both wanted to go back to their 'verse.  There was teamwork there. They stuck together.  It's been missed esp. with Soulless Sam at the beginning of this Season.

I'm guessing they were "Jared" and "Jensen" here or maybe the footage was real  [My brain may start leaking out of my ears at any moment. ]  But if you look very closely, in the scene where they've just shown "Jensen's" Days of Our Lives clip, if you pay attention to the giant flat screen on the wall, first Jensen winks at the camera and then Jared does.   This ep was just...Crazy.

The beating up the extra bit was funny.

When neither Sam nor Dean were hitting their marks and didn't know what to do in front of the cameras that was hilarious.

The failed attempt to get to their own universe.  I think I caught a Wizard of Oz reference too, shortly before they jump through the window...

Balthazar - The angels seem almost as bad as the demons when it comes to jerking people around.  But this is not exactly news...

Castiel/Misha Collins -  That was just crazy with the tweeting and everything...I'm thinking of blogging about my favorite Castiel moments too.  Didn't anticipate what happened at all.  The reappearance of Castiel's wings...I loved it!  I missed seeing them too...

Raphael - I love this new incarnation [is that the right word?].  Lanette Ware is the actress in this role.  Can't wait to see more from her.

The Angel Hitman/Virgil - reminded me of a Terminator, esp. with that pose he struck after crashing through the window in the "Bizarroverse"

"Kripke" - I couldn't figure out if they were doing a Tarantino homage or a Rodriguez homage or someone else entirely, his "death" tripped me out.

Questions:  I noticed a bunch of tweets and forum posts wondering what "Jared" and "Jensen" were not speaking over.  [Dollars to donuts it was something really amusing, really crazy or both.  I noticed poker chips on a table at "Jared's" and wonder if that might not have something to do with it.]

Curious to see what the rest of this season holds...And I'm not going to lie, I really would love another season of Supernatural...Somebody [EricIGN?] posted a tweet today that asked whether or not everyone wanted to see a flip side ep, ie. what happened to "Jared" and "Jensen" in Sam and Dean's world...I'd love to see/know that...whether it ever makes it to the small screen or turns out to be only in the world of fanfic.

ps.  The Ladies from Winchester Radio just reminded me about The House of Wax  reference and Sam's response in the episode Fallen Idols [when they were talking about Jensen Ackles on YouTube, it came up].
I was nervous, but it was fun to call in.  Thanks again, Ladies!

pps.  I'm on my second viewing of this ep, and I'm finding Easter Egss that I missed the first time around.  This is definitely an ep that call for multiple viewings for multiple reasons.  Wonder if the Season 6  DVD will include more...

Friday, February 25, 2011

Some thoughts before The Supernatural Ep The French Mistake

Normally, I don't blog about Supernatural eps, but that may change...[I usually blog about True Blood and The Vampire Diaries]

I bet some crazy fanfics are going to come from this...I was messing around on YouTube and I found a clip from either the LA or SanFran Con for Supernatural.  I think it was from this year...And Jared Padalecki said something about beating up Sam and taking his pants...I got all glassy-eyed just thinking about it...(Tall, fantastic body, now multiply that by two...) I don't want a Slash fic where Jared and Sam fight (I have trouble deciding who should win too.  Yes, I'm a mess) ...I want something more like a Crack!Fic, but not too silly and not too angsty.  I'd love to write it, but I have trouble with writer's block something terrible....I'd love to post a request to someone's list, but I'm still finding my way around on LiveJournal...

In the meantime, here's one of my favorite Jared Padalecki pics:  

Dinner Guest -My Two Cents - Contains spoilers

Elena -  It made me laugh that she and Stefan being late for/going to school was [finally] addressed.  [And I thought the Glee kids were in rare form this week.]  Also, Stefan and Elena messing around in the bedroom...Where was Jenna?  Moping about Alaric?  At work?  Half-assed parenting/guardianship at it's best.  Considering the age bracket of some of the viewers, I think they ought to be careful with this.  [And yes, I know about Skins. ]

Stefan -  I was having a conversation with a tweep or two about this...I think it's funny Stefan couldn't tell  when Katherine was pretending to be Elena.  In the first part of the season he could, but Damon couldn't.  I really don't know what to make of that...With Klaus coming, they can't afford to be anything but sharp.

Damon - He got hurt by Katherine again last night, but he didn't respond quite the way I expected, which is a good thing.  I'm wondering about his reaction to what Katherine told him about Emily...I remember Damon saying something about it taking Emily a while to learn a certain spell...Did Katherine get their rings made before she set Emily up?  Or was she cold-blooded enough to have another witch waiting in the wings, I have so many questions about this witch burning. 

Katherine - She was super slick last night, but at least she stopped Luka from removing the dagger from Elijah.  [I actually had mixed feelings about that.]

Caroline - I didn't even know Candice Accola sang.  It breaks my heart what happened when Caroline came clean with Matt.  I wish he'd have given her time to explain that she wasn't a vamp at the time of Vicki's attack.  Matt's and Caroline's kiss I would have enjoyed it more, if it hadn't seemed like the writers were trying so hard for an "Aww!" moment. 

Matt - I expected him to wig, but I didn't think he would make the connection back to Vicki.  If he comes around, it's definitely going to take time. 

Alaric - In his case telling half the truth was just as bad as keeping Jenna completely in the dark.  More soap opera stuff, but it facilitates the action, so I get it.  :)

Bonnie - She got a lucky break last night getting her powers back.  Wish The Grill hadn't gotten annihilated, I would've enjoyed seeing Bonnie get a turn singing too. 

Luka - His death was painful [looking] and it was gruesome...I understand the why of it and TVD is just a TV show, but that still didn't make the death scene any easier to watch.   I didn't think you could harm the astral body the way you could a physical body, but writers tweak mythology how they see fit [BtVS, Charmed, AtS, Supernatural]. 

Jonas - His death made me sad too, but again, I kind of understood it.  I don't think he would've let Katherine get the jump on him like that, if he hadn't been so angry and grief-stricken though...So much loss/waste.  But, it it's one thing Williamson does well, it's angst. 

John - not shown. 

Have I mentioned how much I miss Tyler ?

IHeartTVD on Twitter has a show on Blog Talk Radio...I may add what I've said here on that platform...I'm not sure.   I believe they come on at 11:00pmEST on Saturday nights.  The show is 2hrs long.  The second hour they take calls.  It's a good fun time.

Friday, February 18, 2011

My thoughts on The Dinner Party (Contains Spoilers!)

Bonnie - Had she handled the whole Luka interrogation scenario differently, somehow I don't think her powers would have been stripped.  :(

Luka - What'd he do go running home to Daddy?  Or did Daddy just know?  Either way, it still doesn't make him look all that great.  Also, do male witches and female witches have different strengths and weaknesses?  I feel like he should have been better able to defend himself or at least smell or taste that he'd been slipped something.  After all, he tricked Bonnie into thinking he'd destroyed the moonstone.  Bizarre...I also feel like what Elijah was saying about people from Massachusetts having settled where Mystic Falls was first ties into this witch thing somehow. 

Jonas  - Can witches that aren't related just waltz up and bind up the power of another witch just like that?  He's either got a scary amount of power or They're related somehow too [I hope that's not the case, because I feel like my disbelief has been suspended all it can be as far as this is concerned.    One positive thing I can say about this part of the storyline, it's certainly unique.]

Elijah - That was just crazy last night. I'd elaborate more, but I don't think I can say anything that hasn't already been said elsewhere.   I don't think he's "permanently dead" though, so hijinks will ensue.  Until I see ashes or a decapitation,  I remain hopeful. 

Elena - She surprised me again last night [in a good way].  We also saw her drink some of Stefan's blood last night, so I'm thinking that the groundwork has been laid for her to become a vampire.  Still not sure if it'll be next season.  Elena has an immense capacity for forgiveness. 

Stefan - It was odd seeing him as the bad one...[Not that I didn't enjoy it. I don't believe for one moment that he was worse than Damon though.  I just don't. lol]  This also reminded me of Stefan's journals, particularly Vol. 2.  [Again even though this series of books is newer, the show doesn't seem to be sticking with the books.]

Jeremy - I'm not sure how I feel about Jeremy being so smitten with Bonnie he practically can't see.  He even tried to intervene when Jonas showed up ticked off, which wasn't smart.  He was just as impulsive with Anna, but still I'd hate to see him wind up hurt [again]. 

Jenna -  I know why she's upset with Alaric, something tells me if she knew the whole story she'd be even angrier, because her life was put in jeopardy because of what she didn't know.  Still I love Alaric and Jenna together. 

Alaric - I've got a really bad feeling about him giving up that ring and I just can't shake it.  I also like how he told Damon off too.  Happy he's finally getting some action again, but I just worry that it'll be at a cost. 

John - This dude has to aspire to be pond scum, he is just that low.  I'm really curious to see what he's getting out of the deal he made with whoever.  And I bet if he thought he could make better profit switching sides, he would.  He is one of the villains that truly make this show worth watching.  Excellent job David Anders!

Andie -  I just kept hearing Kanye West's Runaway the whole time she was in a scene with Damon, only with The Televixen's lyrics [Let's throw toast at the douchebags...Thank you for that! Can I say again how much I love Twitter?].  Does this Andie go to work anymore?   Hello deadlines?  Breaking News?  Good grief! smh This part of the plot is just so hard to watch, not that it was any easier with Caroline... I never thought I'd hear/see myself say this, but I actually miss Rose [Don't miss the water 'til...]. 

Damon -  He's either going to get it or he won't.  Also will we ever see an ep where they bridge the gap between how he got from being who he was when he was human to the Damon he is now?   [Does the period hair get worse with each flashback or what?]  

Katherine - I don't know if Andie was home when she appeared.  I hope not, because I get the feeling Katherine would have only too much fun compelling her or worse. Can't believe it was so easy for her to manipulate Damon, then again considering who we're dealing with here...Yeah, I can. 

Tyler - I miss him.  :(

No Matt or Caroline

Tuesday, February 15, 2011 two cents

I'm finally got around to reading Decoded.  Was pleased to see the story behind some of my favorite Jay-Z songs, Renegade, Hard Knock Life (self-explanatory, but still good to see), Empire State of Mind. Would have liked to have seen Song Cry, but he couldn't do all his lyrics, I know.  Still I love that song...  I had a little difference of opinion with Jay-Z on something that stuck in my mind though. To compare Disco and the Blues?  Disco felt/feels like more of a manufactured thing.  The Blues...that to me is something organic, that got co-opted.  We wouldn't have a lot of still existing forms of music without Blues (R&B obviously, Rock music in all it's various forms..., Pop [think of that single Standing Outside a Broken Telephone Booth with Change... One hit wonder song, I know, but go with me on this...Now what's the sample in it?   B.B. King's How Blue Can You Get? ].  I'm not saying Disco doesn't influence anything, it does, particularly Dance/Club music, but Blues to me is everywhere.  Everyone can relate to it from time to time, perhaps some more than others.  The Blues getting pushed into the background of the music industry...that to me is a race/class/marketability issue, moreso than something being written off as a fad or becoming outdated.
Anyway, just my two cents...

Friday, February 11, 2011

Crying Wolf --Contains spoilers

 "Kathy" or Katherine -  Not in this ep. 

Bonnie -- It kind of unnerved me how easily she was able to do what she did to Luka, but I guess when push comes to shove...I actually felt badly for him last night...He's a character kind of like Rose was to me, I don't love him, but I don't hate him either.  I don't know how I feel about Bonnie and Jeremy hooking up...I was also happy to see Caroline and Bonnie bonding at the beginning of the season, I never would've seen this coming. 

John -  I didn't think he'd changed...stirring Jenna up with the talk of bad parenting and all. 

Jenna - she seemed ticked at Alaric...I hope she gives him a chance to have his say and that he doesn't screw his chance up. 

Alaric -- I was worried about him last night, because I temporarily forgot about the ring.  John's asking for it back...Is it just because he's a jerk, or does he know something the others don't?  I'm guessing it's a little from column A and B.  The "scary dude with nice hair" line cracked me up.  That and the look on Damon's face when Alaric says it.  Priceless. 

Matt --I love that we're seeing more of him lately.  Can't say it enough. 

Tyler--Kudos to him, for allowing Matt to think he was an ordinary human, instead of going off. 
Still bummed about him leaving with Jules...Something tells me she might seduce him or brainwash him some kind of way, if he's just like going to grab on to anything.  I know he doesn't want to be a wolf ...maybe that will be the thing that saves him, but it might also prompt him to do something else desparate and stupid [I'm also remembering Williamson or Plec alluding to something tragic happening regarding Tyler and Caroline...I just don't have a good feeling about how his story is going to turn out. I love Michael Trevino's work here too.]  I'm going to miss him.  I'm so bummed.  At least they've left the possibility open to him coming back...

Stevie -- Was he referring to the Saw films or something else? [I can't watch those...I. Just. Can't.]  He freaked me out too...Where do they find these guys?  And being a vampire amplifies your natural personality traits?  Sheesh!

Elena -- I love how she handled Brady attacking her.  I thought I was going to end up annoyed, instead I was pleasantly surprised.  Until they got a tad bit creepy [You look hot in my great-great grandad's what?????!!!!!] I was enjoying Stefan and Elena finally having time to themselves.   The death and martyr thing...I'm so over it.  I don't know when or if they will make Elena a vampire at the end of this season, but I'm thinking her "death" doesn't have to be permanent...I may have said this before in one of my earlier posts, and if so, I apologize...She may die and be resuscitated. 

Stefan -- I love the way he confronted Elena on the martyr thing.  Didn't realize he was the one who ended Brady (Thank You!).  I'm so doing a rewatch of this ep.  Erin at My Entertainment OCD had me laughing at The Hardy Boys reference in her recap on her blog.  I loved that show.  I've got to wonder it's not partially responsible for my Supernatural thing, but let me get back on track here...

Elijah --He owned it last night!  And Klaus is badder than this guy?  Mystic Falls is in some serious trouble.

Andie -- This whole plotline is just creeping me out.  Some analogies were thrown about on Twitter and I found them all disturbing.  A flesh colored bandage...and a scarf thrown over it.  And then Andie's response to Damon at the Tea...Jenna looked like it was all she could do not to heave...and she's probably thinking why on earth did I set them up...Once she finds out the truth about Damon and Stefan, not to mention what Alaric knows...she's going to freak. 

Damon--I had a feeling payback was coming from Elijah, but I don't think this will be the extent of it.  As far as the wolves, ...this is what I wanted to happen last week, instead of poor Caroline being put in a cage.

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Vampire Diaries -Daddy Issues recap. (contains spoilers)

Caroline - Candice Accola just gets better and better with each ep.  If anyone had told me Caroline would become a character I came to care about in Season 2, I'd have laughed.  I think this is truly a testament to what a fantastic actress Candice is.  I love that no matter what Brady did to Caroline, she still didn't break, and she's a newbie vampire.  I was just floored.  As far as lying to Matt,...They text each other when they're taking on Katherine or whoever, so how hard would it have been to check on Bonnie's whereabouts?  With everything that she'd been through it's understandable why this didn't occur to her, but still ...Now, it's going to be even harder for Caroline to reconcile with Matt, if she ever does.

Bonnie-  It was nice to see her with Jeremy last night.  I think it would have been too much for her to take down all those werewolves at once.  [Imagine what she, Lucy, Luka, and Jonas could do combining their powers.  Almost makes me giddy thinking about it.]

Jeremy - Why does it seem like he and Matt take turns with the whole odd man out thing?  Can't everyone get some action at the same time?  But, I guess it wouldn't be a soap/angsty enough without someone being left out in the cold. 

Tyler - He just got caught in the middle of all this insanity.  I feel badly for him.  His character kind of reminds me of Damon's in the sense that they don't think stuff through/slow down and think about how what they do could hurt people until after the damage is done. 

Stefan - I loved seeing him all hands on last night.  More please! 

John - I hope he's telling the truth about how to kill an Original.  I just don't trust him further than I can throw him and keep in mind this was before I even saw his scene with Katherine

Jenna - This woman is bordering on comic relief.  Please someone [Alaric? Elena? Jeremy?] clue this woman in before it's too late [if it isn't already]. 

Alaric - Another I blinked and missed him ep.  How do they waste a character with this much potential?  How?  I know it's an ensemble cast, but Sheesh! 

Luka -

Brady - This character and Jules are definitely a well-matched pair, which is just frightening (understatement I know.).   He really gave me chills [and not in a good way].  Very well played by Stephen Amell. 
Andie Star (played by Dawn Olivieri)-  The jury is out on her, because and this isn't her fault, but this reminds me too much of what was done to Caroline in Season 1.  Damon is being a little more "humane" with this one, but it's out of selfish reasons.  To paraphrase one comment on Twitter that I thought hit the nail on the head last night, he's looking for a therapist [and speaking of therapy, what was with that "hero hair" remark from Damon...I was laughing, but he's a mess right now.], like he was with Jessica. 

Damon -  Before I get to the inevitable, I also want to say I'm glad that Damon and Stefan picked up Katherine's trick with the vervain [Wonder if Caroline can get in on that too?  Or is she too new?  Hope not.].   As distracting as the shower scene and bubble bath scene were...(A psychopath is still a psychopath no matter how pleasing to the eye...) It's almost like Damon took one step forward and two back.  Most of what he was telling Andie he'd said before.  And when he was talking about or to John, for a while there last night, I thought he was going to go off again [Crazy. Eyes.  Doesn't do anything to allay my misgivings either.].  I'm thinking if he doesn't find something in himself to get him out of this rut/pattern, maybe the fate of Book Damon would be what's called for here too...[much as I hate to say it, because if nothing else, the character and the way Ian Somerhalder portrays the character definitely keep me entertained.]

The fight --That really got my adrenaline up, I've missed scenes like this.  I don't think we've had one in a while. 

The casualties --Was it my imagination or did I see a Black man with a blowtorch last night?  And was he a werewolf?  If so, I'm still annoyed, because he wound up cannon fodder.  If not, I'm no less annoyed.  I'd like to see more diversity among the werewolves and the vampires, because [and I've said this before] most cultures have some variation on vampire and/or werewolf myths.  Even if Mystic Falls isn't that diverse, all the supernatural creatures drawn to it, shouldn't be bound by the same conventions, especially coming from different locations, cultures, and time periods.  I found this annoying on Buffy too, they were only slightly better with it on Angel, but since one took place in LA and the other didn't, it gets some [and notice I say some] leeway.