I had fun last night. I also made a bunch of new Twitter friends [always nice].
Didn't know about The Vampire Diaries Bingo game. Maybe I'll give playing a shot...
Bonnie--I felt like we got more insight into her last night. She's not all venom, like some tend to think. I loved that...also. Is Beremy a thing now? It looked like it was starting last night. It'll be interesting to see what Luka is all about. I'm definitely looking forward to more from Katerina Graham. I think she did an excellent job of showing Bonnie's conflict.
Lucy--Witches rule on this show! I love it! She says she coming back. I hope she does and that she decides to stay. That'd be interesting. I haven't been this excited about a character that's a witch in a while...[Charmed sometimes got a little too silly for me.] Natashia Williams is the name of the actress who played her.
Stefan--I wanted him to be all badass last night, like when he was interrogating Katherine, he wasn't. I'm thinking the breakup with Elena had a lot to do with it. That and the human blood thing...Somebody called this, but I couldn't remember his or her Twitter name to give them a shoutout. [ It may have been SafiTaffy99 or VDSource, or someone else altogther...It's getting hard to keep track. Now I know I'm getting old. :(]
Caroline--She tricked me and Katherine last night. Ms. ? is awesome! I was happy to see her intervene where Tyler and Matt were concerned. Candice Accola deserves her kudos.
Elena --She had me laughing last night, because curiosity just kills her. She will not stay put. She may still have gotten kidnapped, but maybe not as soon. She wants to feel safe???!!! You're dating who/what and you live where? That's got to be the lamest "we need a timeout" excuse...}:( You love this guy and you did that? Sheesh!
Katherine--I almost felt sorry for her last night. As for what she shouted out to Damon before he sealed her up in the tomb...I can't figure out if she was telling the truth out of desperation [She seems to put self-preservation first and foremost.]. Or if she was lying/telling a half truth yet again. I don't think I'd have wanted to chance it either. They'd better hope she doesn't find a way out of there though.
Alaric or Ric--The Ric thing just tickles me...I wish they'd given him a little more to do. Hopefully he can keep Jenna from further harm if nothing else.
Aimee--It never even occurred to me she'd be one of the ones to go. But then, I think every TV show that says they're going to kill off a character and shows pictures of guesses...almost always throws you a curveball. [i.e. It's almost never part of the main cast, unless they're looking to shock, kill off characters just to prove they can, they're crazy, or a little bit of all three.]
Sara--That broke my heart. :( And after Caroline tried so hard too.
Tyler--Unless they plan to do to him what they did to Mason, the Salvatores have werewolf trouble again. :( Even without Katherine pulling his strings...I'm having a blast watching how they tie up [or don't] all the loose ends. If it's one thing the writers on this show know how to do, it's keep you watching.
Damon--He's scary when he goes off and you're never really sure that anyone's going to be able to rein him back in. I don't think the sipping helps either. [That's what my mother used to call it when someone just about always had a glass in their hand. Sipping. XD] Again, I love that Ian Somerhalder can be over the top, but he can give subtle too...I'm waiting to read the TWP review by Cindy McLennan. The Evil Pixie Monster thing just tickles me no end, it clicks though. Nicole over at Give Me My Remote also brought up a good point about the moonstone...I thought it needed to be there to keep Katherine weak[er?], but who knows?
Hopefully, I didn't forget anybody, because I'm exhausted. lol
The dresses...That's a blog post unto itself...I think I liked Caroline's best and her shoes[Have I mentioned how much I love red and black?]...I'll look at this ep again before next week I'm sure.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Plan B-U Know the Drill-Yes,this post does contain spoilers
Bonnie --It was wonderful to see her last night. She can give aneursysms...that's truly scary.
I think if Bonnie, had gotten to know Carter[from the Brave New World ep] better, it would've been harder for her to make any kind of amends with Caroline. As far as the friction between her and Damon...I can't figure out if that's true hatred or sexual tension, or what...if she wanted to, she could annihilate him [Stefan knows this, Damon I think takes too much for granted.], yet something stops her.
Then, there were other little things I noticed...how Damon pulled Mason off Bonnie. Calling her "Judgy"...Thanking her. Someone even pointed out that he held the car door open for her. [Which I didn't see, so I think a repeat viewing is in order. ;)]
Bamon is a ship I wouldn't mind. If Delena doesn't work out, I wouldn't hate this...
Matt - I'm trying not to give away too many spoiler here, but to say he's in a heap of trouble is an understatement.
Tyler--I knew the curse was going to pass to him somehow, I just wasn't sure if it would be by design [Katherine] or accident.
Stefan--Poor Baby! :( After Damon ticked off Katherine intentionally, I was sort of wishing he was the one that wound up in a well full of vervain, but more on him later...Were he and Damon color coordinated last night? I don't remember this always being the case, but I definitely noticed it last night.
Caroline--I loved the bonding that went on between she and her mother last night, and it broke my heart that Caroline decided to go ahead and compel her mom anyway. :( I think she's right that ultimately it'd become necessary. I also felt it was better to have Caroline do this, than Damon. Something about Caroline compelling her own mother, just made it a little easier to take.
Elena -- I liked how they switched back and forth between her and Katherine. I think they made their point without hitting you over the head with it. When it's done right, I love it.
As far as Katherine finding out the moonstone, was gone...Elena dropping the flashlight in the well water didn't help either.
Katherine--What does she need another werewolf for? Can't believe she did that to Jenna either. :( For her to have that many backup plans, she either wants something that the moonstone is the key to, she's in some sort of trouble [Bigger Baddie holding something over her perhaps?], she really just loves to screw with people or all of the above.
Mason--The torture scene didn't devolve into camp, at least not to me. I think they did an excellent job. It was hard to watch, but at the same time, I couldn't tear my eyes away.
Jeremy--I think he's in way over his head.
Damon--If ever there is a character that delights me one minute and exasperates me the next on this show, he's it [With Elena running at a close second.]. Stefan softened the request to Bonnie. Stefan tried to warn him about ticking off Katherine too [I'd swear, sometimes you'd think he was the older brother.]. He tried to take the blame and keep Elena from leaving, but it was too little, too late. For now, until he learns to keep his rage from blinding him, he's going to be a liability to any of their plans. But then, he might surprise, like he did in the Kill or Be Killed Ep. Time will tell...
Looking forward to The Masquerade next week.
I think if Bonnie, had gotten to know Carter[from the Brave New World ep] better, it would've been harder for her to make any kind of amends with Caroline. As far as the friction between her and Damon...I can't figure out if that's true hatred or sexual tension, or what...if she wanted to, she could annihilate him [Stefan knows this, Damon I think takes too much for granted.], yet something stops her.
Then, there were other little things I noticed...how Damon pulled Mason off Bonnie. Calling her "Judgy"...Thanking her. Someone even pointed out that he held the car door open for her. [Which I didn't see, so I think a repeat viewing is in order. ;)]
Bamon is a ship I wouldn't mind. If Delena doesn't work out, I wouldn't hate this...
Matt - I'm trying not to give away too many spoiler here, but to say he's in a heap of trouble is an understatement.
Tyler--I knew the curse was going to pass to him somehow, I just wasn't sure if it would be by design [Katherine] or accident.
Stefan--Poor Baby! :( After Damon ticked off Katherine intentionally, I was sort of wishing he was the one that wound up in a well full of vervain, but more on him later...Were he and Damon color coordinated last night? I don't remember this always being the case, but I definitely noticed it last night.
Caroline--I loved the bonding that went on between she and her mother last night, and it broke my heart that Caroline decided to go ahead and compel her mom anyway. :( I think she's right that ultimately it'd become necessary. I also felt it was better to have Caroline do this, than Damon. Something about Caroline compelling her own mother, just made it a little easier to take.
Elena -- I liked how they switched back and forth between her and Katherine. I think they made their point without hitting you over the head with it. When it's done right, I love it.
As far as Katherine finding out the moonstone, was gone...Elena dropping the flashlight in the well water didn't help either.
Katherine--What does she need another werewolf for? Can't believe she did that to Jenna either. :( For her to have that many backup plans, she either wants something that the moonstone is the key to, she's in some sort of trouble [Bigger Baddie holding something over her perhaps?], she really just loves to screw with people or all of the above.
Mason--The torture scene didn't devolve into camp, at least not to me. I think they did an excellent job. It was hard to watch, but at the same time, I couldn't tear my eyes away.
Jeremy--I think he's in way over his head.
Damon--If ever there is a character that delights me one minute and exasperates me the next on this show, he's it [With Elena running at a close second.]. Stefan softened the request to Bonnie. Stefan tried to warn him about ticking off Katherine too [I'd swear, sometimes you'd think he was the older brother.]. He tried to take the blame and keep Elena from leaving, but it was too little, too late. For now, until he learns to keep his rage from blinding him, he's going to be a liability to any of their plans. But then, he might surprise, like he did in the Kill or Be Killed Ep. Time will tell...
Looking forward to The Masquerade next week.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
Yesterday I was messing around on YouTube! and I liked a video in the wrong profile [It was a long day is about all I can say in my defense.] I have two profiles on YouTube! I have one that's under this name and general. The other is Vampire Diaries focused [QueenNyx40]...I didn't necessarily want to unlike the video to correct the error and I didn't see a button that would shift stuff back into neutral. I'd love to get into making fanvids, because I've got some fun ideas...with anything though, I bet good editing, etc. takes practice though. I've been painting more, but I'm still not satisfied as far as scanning something to show. Then there's a lot going on, not a lot of which it would be appropriate to discuss here. I also may have another photo shoot in the works, so a lot of stuff has just been put on the backburner. This would also account for the spaces between blog posts. I've been on Twitter way more than I have facebook too, which is kind of funny considering I didn't even like Twitter at first. :) That just teaches me to never say never I guess...
Interesting discussion on Twitter yesterday...
Yesterday on Twitter, Toure' asked the Black/African-American tweeps what term they preferred. I responded that I can't limit a response to that to 140 characters [even if I were to number them part 1 of ?]. Harry Allen also participated in the conversation...he retweeted something someone said about "Black" people being Brown. I think this could be a blog topic all on its own. Don't Hispanic and East Indian people call themselves/get classified as Brown? Ownership of the right to call oneself something, those debates are always sticky. I'm not somebody that thrives on conflict. I'm more of the live and let live philosophy, which is why most of the time I don't do posts like this unless something's really sticking in my mind. I don't think these type of issues are unique to this country either...India and Brazil deal with similar issues. Again to go into all the history would be a really, long, blog post, but look it up. If you're at all interested in history, it's really fascinating, informative, [and depending on how you look at it somewhat depressing] stuff. As far as being called Black goes, it's easier to say and easier to fit in the spaces they give you on applications. As far as African-American goes...I don't mind that either, but I don't know where in Africa I'm from (I wish I had the money and time to invest in research.) ...I know almost all of my ethnic background but two parts...(Where I get my freckles from and what part of Africa my ancestors were from.). I do know that I had a Chinese maternal [great?] great-grandmother and that I had a Chickahominy maternal great grandmother. Now, if someone were to take the PC thing to the extreme, how many hyphens would that be? :) That's why I always thought the term "biracial" fell short, because I can't name one human being that's on the planet now that's solely of two races, unless they're extremely isolated, and even then I think it's debatable...No doubt about it, I definitely couldn't have tweeted all this. Twitter is an interesting platform, but I don't think it's ideal for all discussions. Again, we learn as we go...
Friday, October 8, 2010
Kill or be Killed (Last Night's Vampire Diaries ep and Yes this post does contain spoilers.)
Julie Plec and Ian Somerhalder were tweeting last night during air time on the east coast. It was my first time participating in something like that. I enjoyed it more than I expected to.
Ok, here I go:
Bonnie - We don't see her until another new ep airs. I'd still like to see more of her though.
Matt --Not there last night.
Tyler--partied with Jeremy, Aimee, and Sarah and came close to being cursed right along with his brother. Would I be asking for to much, if I said I hoped he did not wind up a werewolf? There's actually such a thing as too much angst.
Mason--That scene between he and Stefan. I swear I forgot to breathe. So much tension last night. I love eps like this one. My theory that an accidental killing was not an escape clause from the curse also panned out [I don't suppose it'd make for good, suspenseful TV without that would it?].
Katherine--What's up between her and Mason? And what's up with the moonstone? I also think she is a great big garden tool, but I digress.
Elena--Was it just me or did she and Stefan give anyone else a toothache as far as their "I love you" code for the fake argument? I enjoy happy couples don't get me wrong, but I don't like sappy. I just don't. :(
Caroline-- I can't believe she whooped Mason! I was like Wow! Didn't see that coming. [I don't think she could take Alcide on True Blood, but I bet she'd have fun trying.] I love that although she was afraid to come clean to her mom she did it anyway. Candice Accola has been amazing to watch in these past few eps.
Deputy ?--I was so sorry to see him go...I wish they'd stop that. Again, I'm so conflicted about loving this show, it's not even funny.
Damon--In some ways he didn't surprise me [Saying he didn't want peace, messing with Mason at the Volunteer Day event, draining the deputy and being blase' about it.]. What did knock me for a loop was how he talked to Caroline about being hard on her mom and when he spared Caroline's mom. [Ticked and hurt always seem to make him unpredictable. I also wonder what Damon's relationship with his mother was like. Was he a disappointment to her too? ]
Also, was it my imagination, or did it seem like he was going to say something about the ring when the Caroline's mom threatened Stefan?
Ok, here I go:
Bonnie - We don't see her until another new ep airs. I'd still like to see more of her though.
Matt --Not there last night.
Tyler--partied with Jeremy, Aimee, and Sarah and came close to being cursed right along with his brother. Would I be asking for to much, if I said I hoped he did not wind up a werewolf? There's actually such a thing as too much angst.
Mason--That scene between he and Stefan. I swear I forgot to breathe. So much tension last night. I love eps like this one. My theory that an accidental killing was not an escape clause from the curse also panned out [I don't suppose it'd make for good, suspenseful TV without that would it?].
Katherine--What's up between her and Mason? And what's up with the moonstone? I also think she is a great big garden tool, but I digress.
Elena--Was it just me or did she and Stefan give anyone else a toothache as far as their "I love you" code for the fake argument? I enjoy happy couples don't get me wrong, but I don't like sappy. I just don't. :(
Caroline-- I can't believe she whooped Mason! I was like Wow! Didn't see that coming. [I don't think she could take Alcide on True Blood, but I bet she'd have fun trying.] I love that although she was afraid to come clean to her mom she did it anyway. Candice Accola has been amazing to watch in these past few eps.
Deputy ?--I was so sorry to see him go...I wish they'd stop that. Again, I'm so conflicted about loving this show, it's not even funny.
Damon--In some ways he didn't surprise me [Saying he didn't want peace, messing with Mason at the Volunteer Day event, draining the deputy and being blase' about it.]. What did knock me for a loop was how he talked to Caroline about being hard on her mom and when he spared Caroline's mom. [Ticked and hurt always seem to make him unpredictable. I also wonder what Damon's relationship with his mother was like. Was he a disappointment to her too? ]
Also, was it my imagination, or did it seem like he was going to say something about the ring when the Caroline's mom threatened Stefan?
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
Twitter's ticking me off for the second time today...
Went mucking about with my computer settings (at least the ones I can do that with ) and thought I'd solved the problem...only to encounter the Twitter failbot again...I haven't seen anything on the web or heard anything about widespread Twitter problems...I wonder what the deal is...It's times like these I wish I was way more computer savvy (Do people even say that anymore?).
Friday, October 1, 2010
Last Night's Vampire Diaries episode--Memory Lane (Contains Spoilers!)
Matt--Wasn't shown last night. Are he and Aimee official now?
Caroline --Understandably still bummed about losing Matt. Elena and Stefan also know that now she's Katherine's flunky.
Katherine--She's built up an immunity to vervain ...Man, to say this chick is scary is an understatement! I also think she really does love Stefan...or at least she feels her idea of love for him anyway. Also Mandy Bierly (from EW) must have eyes like a cat, because I didn't see makeup, or earrings on Katherine, when Stefan wakes up from his nightmare. It was dark in the room and all I saw was hair, I didn't even see those curls, until he leapt away from her. Again, my hat's off. So not jealousy talkin'. :)
Elena--That was a good act that she and Stefan put on, because I sure bought it. What did Katherine mean when she told Elena you're asking the wrong questions? Is it an identity thing [again]? Is Elena more than human? We've had no indicators...I just know one thing, one Sookie Stackhouse is enough. ...Nina Dobrev seems like she's getting better with the dual role thing each time. :) Very entertaining television.
Stefan--It bothers me that he was able to torture Katherine that way, especially since she looks just like Elena...It's all well and good that he can do what he needs to find out what he needs to know, but at the same time, I just found it kind of disturbing.
Mason--Silver doesn't work on him...The vampires are definitely in trouble. Not to mention the fact that in the previews, I think I see him revealing to the mayor or the sheriff what Damon is...Everything's about to blow sky high...[Depending on how many seasons this show is supposed to last for this could be a very good thing or a very bad thing. One thing I know for certain, I don't want to see it jump the shark, if it hasn't already by doing the evil twin thing.]
Tyler--I think he will wind up killing somebody...It's just a matter of who...I also don't think whether or not it's going to be an accident or not is going to matter as far as the curse goes.
Damon--Playing Pictionary...Too priceless. I don't think I'd have believed it, if I hadn't seen it. As far as picking a fight with Mason...that wasn't smart and everyone kept warning him...Mason even tried to let him off easy...but I think Damon's so bent about about Elena and Katherine, that he's basically in self-destruct mode. As much as Katherine likes to take advantage of/torment Damon, I don't trust her to tell him the truth about the werewolves. He's too sweet on her, he needs to handle her more like Stefan did. As strong as she is, I doubt she'd tolerate it for long though and she's not in love with him...so that's already two [more] things going against him.
Jenna and Alaric--I like them together... hope it lasts. With a show that pretty much runs on angst I'd like to see an exception to the rule.
Bonnie--She wasn't on this week. C'mon y'all! Get on the ball writers!
My head's spinning...Did I miss anybody?
I thought about tweeting while the show was on or maybe right after, but I like to let stuff just kind of sink in. (As I suspected this choice did turn around to bite me. Next week, barring the unforseen, I'm going to take the plunge.)
I'd sound like such a tween if I were to tweet while I was watching. Most of my posts would probably consist of these three phrases: OMG!, Did y'all see that? WTF??!!
I also didn't want to devolve into posts where I'm purely just drooling. You'd be surprised at how easy that is for me to do lately...
Maybe if I give it a shot, I'll surprise myself, who knows?
Caroline --Understandably still bummed about losing Matt. Elena and Stefan also know that now she's Katherine's flunky.
Katherine--She's built up an immunity to vervain ...Man, to say this chick is scary is an understatement! I also think she really does love Stefan...or at least she feels her idea of love for him anyway. Also Mandy Bierly (from EW) must have eyes like a cat, because I didn't see makeup, or earrings on Katherine, when Stefan wakes up from his nightmare. It was dark in the room and all I saw was hair, I didn't even see those curls, until he leapt away from her. Again, my hat's off. So not jealousy talkin'. :)
Elena--That was a good act that she and Stefan put on, because I sure bought it. What did Katherine mean when she told Elena you're asking the wrong questions? Is it an identity thing [again]? Is Elena more than human? We've had no indicators...I just know one thing, one Sookie Stackhouse is enough. ...Nina Dobrev seems like she's getting better with the dual role thing each time. :) Very entertaining television.
Stefan--It bothers me that he was able to torture Katherine that way, especially since she looks just like Elena...It's all well and good that he can do what he needs to find out what he needs to know, but at the same time, I just found it kind of disturbing.
Mason--Silver doesn't work on him...The vampires are definitely in trouble. Not to mention the fact that in the previews, I think I see him revealing to the mayor or the sheriff what Damon is...Everything's about to blow sky high...[Depending on how many seasons this show is supposed to last for this could be a very good thing or a very bad thing. One thing I know for certain, I don't want to see it jump the shark, if it hasn't already by doing the evil twin thing.]
Tyler--I think he will wind up killing somebody...It's just a matter of who...I also don't think whether or not it's going to be an accident or not is going to matter as far as the curse goes.
Damon--Playing Pictionary...Too priceless. I don't think I'd have believed it, if I hadn't seen it. As far as picking a fight with Mason...that wasn't smart and everyone kept warning him...Mason even tried to let him off easy...but I think Damon's so bent about about Elena and Katherine, that he's basically in self-destruct mode. As much as Katherine likes to take advantage of/torment Damon, I don't trust her to tell him the truth about the werewolves. He's too sweet on her, he needs to handle her more like Stefan did. As strong as she is, I doubt she'd tolerate it for long though and she's not in love with him...so that's already two [more] things going against him.
Jenna and Alaric--I like them together... hope it lasts. With a show that pretty much runs on angst I'd like to see an exception to the rule.
Bonnie--She wasn't on this week. C'mon y'all! Get on the ball writers!
My head's spinning...Did I miss anybody?
I thought about tweeting while the show was on or maybe right after, but I like to let stuff just kind of sink in. (As I suspected this choice did turn around to bite me. Next week, barring the unforseen, I'm going to take the plunge.)
I'd sound like such a tween if I were to tweet while I was watching. Most of my posts would probably consist of these three phrases: OMG!, Did y'all see that? WTF??!!
I also didn't want to devolve into posts where I'm purely just drooling. You'd be surprised at how easy that is for me to do lately...
Maybe if I give it a shot, I'll surprise myself, who knows?
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