Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Vampires magazine I found on the newsstand at CVS
I found a one shot magazine on the newsstand @ CVS called Vampires. I bought it mainly for Eric from True Blood . I would've liked to have seen a great big poster of Damon from The Vampire Diaries too, but they didn't do it. I loved that they included William Marshall (Blacula). That made me so happy. I liked the first movie way better than Scream, Blacula, Scream though. One thing that ticked me off though, was in the female vamp section there was no pic of Julie Benz (Darla on BtVS and Angel). The only thing I can think of, is that she asked to be excluded (I think she's still on Dexter now.). If not, though I can't understand how in the world they managed to forget her. She was awesome as Darla and in that second season of Angel, she played her so multi-faceted...I loved that...
The Jacksons: A Family Dynasty...
For the most part...I think I'll keep watching...
Jermaine...His music is alright, but I was never a huge fan...Even when my mother played the Jackson 5 Christmas album, I always enjoyed Michael's cut's more. Not just because I thought he was cute. I liked his voice better...I don't think I could even put it into words, there was(and still is...), just something about it. I also don't like the way he feels like he's got to be center stage. It the other brothers want to sing and can, I say let them. I'd enjoy that so much more. Each brother doing his own thing and/or contributing his own bit to the mix, that's what I've always wanted to see. That is a show I'd go see. Not the Jackson 4 (as they're calling it now), with Jermaine in front.
Jackie...He's seems really quiet and sensitive. I can't remember if that's his son with the mohawk? But he trips me out too. And the son is right, family tensions do shape/affect the children/kids.
Tito...I think he's actually a bit handsomer than Joseph (not cracking, just saying), but he does favor his dad a lot. I don't know enough to say how much his personality is or isn't like his dad's.
Marlon...the way he keeps strangers at arms length reminds me of my dad. It's also is a very smart way to be if you're in showbiz. He did get to be a very good dancer...I remember he had a video to a song he did called "Baby Tonight".
Randy...Did anyone ever explain why he didn't want to participate?
Katherine...With as much pain as she's in...I was glad to see her...Some people think she's weak or call her weak...I don't think so at all...It tickled me how she convinced some of the brothers to go back to Gary too...Eventually I'd like to go...but the thing with travelling on my budget is that it's getting increasingly difficult to do. I also like to hit destinations where I can see more than one tourist attraction. If I went to Gary, Indiana, I'd basically just be going to see 2300 Jackson Street. Not that that by itself isn't enough, but as I keep saying, the end has to justify the means, especially when you're on a budget.
Janet...It was nice to hear them call her on her birthday. : D I never saw them as anything but human beings with quirks...this just kind of reinforced that.
Can't think of too much else to comment on...I'll be curious to see if they can get beyond the bickering. But somehow, I think bickering is just a part of being a sib period. You just have to determine how bad you're going to let it get and what you're going to do about it.
Jermaine...His music is alright, but I was never a huge fan...Even when my mother played the Jackson 5 Christmas album, I always enjoyed Michael's cut's more. Not just because I thought he was cute. I liked his voice better...I don't think I could even put it into words, there was(and still is...), just something about it. I also don't like the way he feels like he's got to be center stage. It the other brothers want to sing and can, I say let them. I'd enjoy that so much more. Each brother doing his own thing and/or contributing his own bit to the mix, that's what I've always wanted to see. That is a show I'd go see. Not the Jackson 4 (as they're calling it now), with Jermaine in front.
Jackie...He's seems really quiet and sensitive. I can't remember if that's his son with the mohawk? But he trips me out too. And the son is right, family tensions do shape/affect the children/kids.
Tito...I think he's actually a bit handsomer than Joseph (not cracking, just saying), but he does favor his dad a lot. I don't know enough to say how much his personality is or isn't like his dad's.
Marlon...the way he keeps strangers at arms length reminds me of my dad. It's also is a very smart way to be if you're in showbiz. He did get to be a very good dancer...I remember he had a video to a song he did called "Baby Tonight".
Randy...Did anyone ever explain why he didn't want to participate?
Katherine...With as much pain as she's in...I was glad to see her...Some people think she's weak or call her weak...I don't think so at all...It tickled me how she convinced some of the brothers to go back to Gary too...Eventually I'd like to go...but the thing with travelling on my budget is that it's getting increasingly difficult to do. I also like to hit destinations where I can see more than one tourist attraction. If I went to Gary, Indiana, I'd basically just be going to see 2300 Jackson Street. Not that that by itself isn't enough, but as I keep saying, the end has to justify the means, especially when you're on a budget.
Janet...It was nice to hear them call her on her birthday. : D I never saw them as anything but human beings with quirks...this just kind of reinforced that.
Can't think of too much else to comment on...I'll be curious to see if they can get beyond the bickering. But somehow, I think bickering is just a part of being a sib period. You just have to determine how bad you're going to let it get and what you're going to do about it.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
As The World Turns...
Wow! First The Guiding Light and now ATWT...Seems like they've been on the air forever...I can remember watching them with Mom when I got home from school. I remember when Meg Ryan and Marisa Tomei were on (although they weren't on it at the same time I don't think. Meg Ryan's character's name was Betsy and I think that Marisa Tomei's character's name was Marcy...). I remember evil twins, husbands coming back from the dead (again, not at the same time...), the whole nine...I'll miss it. I don't even like reality TV all that much, I think this is a real shame...I wonder if the soap network will show old/classic episodes that would be cool. I think it would also be nice if both TGL and ATWT were available online somewhere or on DVD...
The Christmas tree, decorations, etc.
I'm still procrastinating about Christmas decorating, etc. To be honest...I'm just not feeling all that festive this year...
I thought about a wreath for my door until, my sis wisely pointed out that a wreath would obstruct the view from my peephole...I definitely don't want that, so I gave that idea up.
I thought about lights on my balcony, but the weather's been so crappy lately...
I saw someone's door this morning, that had that old school Christmas foil door covering on it...(Do y'all remember? It used to come in gold, silver, red, blue, or green? I haven't seen that in a long time. That cheered me up some...)
I want to get my dad's Christmas tree up, but he hasn't been into Christmas for the longest time...My mother was the one that was into Christmas...somehow, by not having the energy and/or wherewithal, I feel like I'm not living up to her example...Like I'm letting her down...
As for a tree and/or stockings at my apartment...I don't have kids...I'm not really set up for visitors yet...so nothing would really be under the tree. I don't want to do through the trouble of decorating if no one besides me is going to see it. To me, that's not only a waste of time and money it's pretty pointless. Maybe next year I'll feel better about Christmas, but right now, I just don't...I think mostly I'm down because of stuff that I won't get into here. Not to mention the fm and the weather (cold weather and/or rain bother my joints something terrible. I didn't think it'd start up this "early", but because of the fm, it has...) are kicking me in my butt right now. I've also been pretty swamped at work (being "the dependable one" at work most assuredly has its drawbacks, I'm finding out the hard way. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful to have a job right now, but no one likes to feel like they're being taken advantage of, and that's how I feel right now.). By the time I get home in the evening and get settled, I've got chores to do and once I've done them, it's time to go to bed. I feel like I don't even have my eyes shut for five minutes and then it's time to go to work. Burnt out is an understatement at this point. Hopefully, if all goes well, I'm thinking of taking some time in the Spring. I'm praying to be able to hold out that long patiencewise...
I thought about a wreath for my door until, my sis wisely pointed out that a wreath would obstruct the view from my peephole...I definitely don't want that, so I gave that idea up.
I thought about lights on my balcony, but the weather's been so crappy lately...
I saw someone's door this morning, that had that old school Christmas foil door covering on it...(Do y'all remember? It used to come in gold, silver, red, blue, or green? I haven't seen that in a long time. That cheered me up some...)
I want to get my dad's Christmas tree up, but he hasn't been into Christmas for the longest time...My mother was the one that was into Christmas...somehow, by not having the energy and/or wherewithal, I feel like I'm not living up to her example...Like I'm letting her down...
As for a tree and/or stockings at my apartment...I don't have kids...I'm not really set up for visitors yet...so nothing would really be under the tree. I don't want to do through the trouble of decorating if no one besides me is going to see it. To me, that's not only a waste of time and money it's pretty pointless. Maybe next year I'll feel better about Christmas, but right now, I just don't...I think mostly I'm down because of stuff that I won't get into here. Not to mention the fm and the weather (cold weather and/or rain bother my joints something terrible. I didn't think it'd start up this "early", but because of the fm, it has...) are kicking me in my butt right now. I've also been pretty swamped at work (being "the dependable one" at work most assuredly has its drawbacks, I'm finding out the hard way. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful to have a job right now, but no one likes to feel like they're being taken advantage of, and that's how I feel right now.). By the time I get home in the evening and get settled, I've got chores to do and once I've done them, it's time to go to bed. I feel like I don't even have my eyes shut for five minutes and then it's time to go to work. Burnt out is an understatement at this point. Hopefully, if all goes well, I'm thinking of taking some time in the Spring. I'm praying to be able to hold out that long patiencewise...
EW's Top Movies of the Decade List...
I was glad to see The Dark Knight on the list (I loved that. I think it is the best Batman film I've ever seen.). I also enjoyed Almost Famous. I feel like Dreamgirls should have been on the list. I'll have to think of some more...I also loved Cadillac Records. I'm glad my sis brought my attention to it. I was very familiar with Muddy Waters music and Etta James's music before I saw the movie... I knew/know who Chuck Berry is, but I wasn't as much into his stuff. I think the only person the film mentions who I'd never heard of before is Little Walter. I'd heard of Willie Dixon before...I definitely don't feel the same way about Led Zeppelin now...I think it took that and the paper I did on Memphis Minnie back in college for me to wise up...I'll beef up my list once I've had some time to go through my stuff and think...to be honest depending on how my mood is/was and how my money flowed/flows. I didn't/don't go to the movies a whole lot. Maybe like 5 times a year or something like that, if that often.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Entertainment Weekly's Best of the Decade
I'll be blogging about this issue of EW in different segments...The photo of Justin Timberlake...I'm sorry, but no...I'm not going to deny that FutureSex/LoveSounds had my foot tapping. I'm not even going to deny that Justin Timberlake can be entertaining (The SNL appearances, concert footage, etc.). Personality wise, I just feel that he falls short (The way he allowed Janet Jackson to take most of the heat for the Superbowl thing, and just the way I've seen him handle different situations...). Everyone's entitled to their opinion, and I just don't see Justin Timberlake as the heir to the King of Pop throne [if their even is/should be one] (and don't even get me started on Usher or Chris Brown. I do like Ne-Yo, but he's not as much of a dancer as a producer/writer/singer.).
Friday, December 4, 2009
My Top Ten Favorite Christmas Songs
I came up with this list and I wanted to post it early enough in the season that it's still fun and not sickening.
Here goes:
10. "Please Come Home for Christmas" - I like Charles Brown's version and I like the Eagles version. (I told you I wasn't kidding when I said I liked all types of music.)
9. "Merry Christmas, Baby"--Chuck Brown, I also like Bonnie Raitt and Charles Brown's version.
8. "This Christmas"--Donny Hathaway
7. "What Do the Lonely Do at Christmas?"--The Emotions
6. "Lonely Christmas" --Prince (My mother hated that I loved this. We used to laugh about it.)
5. "Baby, It's Cold Outside" --Ray Charles and Betty Carter
4. "Sleigh Ride" --TLC / "Let it Snow"--Boyz II Men
3. "Feliz Navidad" --Jose Feliciano /"Happy Xmas (War is Over)"--John Lennon and Yoko Ono
2. "Santa Baby"--Eartha Kitt. I like Madonna's too, but she sounds like Betty Boop.
1. "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas/We Wish You a Little Merry Christmas"--The Jackson 5 (I love that whole album! Thank you, Mom! I love you!)
Honorable Mentions:
Even though I will hear it 50 times and then some, I don't think it'd truly feel like Christmas without hearing Nat King Cole's "The Christmas Song" at least once. I also like Alexander O' Neal's version because of how he vocalizes on it.
"Silent Night" --The Temptations
"This Christmas"--The Whispers
"Last Christmas"--George Michael
"The Twelve Pains of Christmas"--by Bob Rivers (It just sets me rolling every time. lol)
"Jingle Bell Rock"--that scene from Mean Girls. I'm sorry, but it just cracks me up every time I see it.
"Christmas in Hollis"--Run DMC. I love the music. I could groove off that alone.
Well, what do y'all think? Feel free to comment with your own. I know my list is pretty old school. (I guess I'm officially an oldhead now, huh?) Also if someone new has come out with a cover I should hear. Point that out to me too, by all means.
Here goes:
10. "Please Come Home for Christmas" - I like Charles Brown's version and I like the Eagles version. (I told you I wasn't kidding when I said I liked all types of music.)
9. "Merry Christmas, Baby"--Chuck Brown, I also like Bonnie Raitt and Charles Brown's version.
8. "This Christmas"--Donny Hathaway
7. "What Do the Lonely Do at Christmas?"--The Emotions
6. "Lonely Christmas" --Prince (My mother hated that I loved this. We used to laugh about it.)
5. "Baby, It's Cold Outside" --Ray Charles and Betty Carter
4. "Sleigh Ride" --TLC / "Let it Snow"--Boyz II Men
3. "Feliz Navidad" --Jose Feliciano /"Happy Xmas (War is Over)"--John Lennon and Yoko Ono
2. "Santa Baby"--Eartha Kitt. I like Madonna's too, but she sounds like Betty Boop.
1. "Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas/We Wish You a Little Merry Christmas"--The Jackson 5 (I love that whole album! Thank you, Mom! I love you!)
Honorable Mentions:
Even though I will hear it 50 times and then some, I don't think it'd truly feel like Christmas without hearing Nat King Cole's "The Christmas Song" at least once. I also like Alexander O' Neal's version because of how he vocalizes on it.
"Silent Night" --The Temptations
"This Christmas"--The Whispers
"Last Christmas"--George Michael
"The Twelve Pains of Christmas"--by Bob Rivers (It just sets me rolling every time. lol)
"Jingle Bell Rock"--that scene from Mean Girls. I'm sorry, but it just cracks me up every time I see it.
"Christmas in Hollis"--Run DMC. I love the music. I could groove off that alone.
Well, what do y'all think? Feel free to comment with your own. I know my list is pretty old school. (I guess I'm officially an oldhead now, huh?) Also if someone new has come out with a cover I should hear. Point that out to me too, by all means.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Robin Thicke
They had an article on Robin Thicke in the Express Wednesday. I didn't know he was on his fourth album. I only have the second. I'm so far behind on my cd purchasing that it's not even funny (but other things are taking precedence right now.), and I love his music. I also didn't know that he did hip-hop collaborations too (I listen to more R&B, so I guess that's why.). Very interesting article. I love the video to Sex Therapy too (If I may respectfully say so, Ms. Patton is a very lucky woman. I hear that they are expecting their first child as well.). I also just saw the the video to "Lay back" and 106 and Park on 12/14/2009. I want this and Alicia Keys new one...I hemmed and hawed about putting this photo up, and decided why not...

Mr. Reuben Jackson's Michael Jackson lecture
Yesterday evening, I got to attend a lecture at the New Carrollton Public Library, by one of the associate curators @ the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History. His name is Reuben Jackson and his presentation was called "Michael Jackson, Balladeer". I was kind of surprised at the turnout last night, considering it was a cold, rainy Wednesday evening, then again I wasn't, considering the [almost magical] effect Michael Jackson has on some people. Reuben Jackson played three selections from Michael. I think if it hadn't been for the fact that the library closed at 9, he would have been able to fit in more. (For those that are curious, he played "Got to Be There", "Can't Help It", and "Butterflies". He skipped playing any selections from Thriller, because it's so well known.) He touched on one of the things that I see mentioned repeatedly @MJFC and on other Michael Jackson fan blogs, how Michael was able to convey such emotion with his voice from such a young age and had continued to do so. Reuben Jackson urged everyone who hadn't done so, to go see This is It (Preaching to the choir here I know). He talked about Michael's being a perfectionist and his showmanship and how TII reminded the viewer of these qualities that most people either took for granted, forgot about, or overlooked completely (Again, preaching to the choir.) He spoke about how Michael was a fan of all types of music and incorporated that in his music. He used quotes from Michael to illustrate different points in his lecture as well. Another thing that excited me about this lecture was what Reuben Jackson said about Michael Jackson's collaborations with Quincy Jones. He said they were like an actor's classic work with a good director...I guess like Scorsese and DeNiro, Capra and Stewart...I'm very into film history too, so I really loved that comparison. Mr. Jackson also touched on some of the gospel elements in Michael's music. Some of the obvious ones like shouts, etc. (Michael Jackson could've sang the alphabet or the phone book and I'd have bought it. He sang that soulfully in my opinion.) Reuben Jackson also touched on the fact that the short films deserved examination too. I asked Mr. Jackson if he would be pursuing that at any point, but he said he wanted to take a break on researching for a bit, because it was so emotional for him...which I could definitely understand (he said when he first did the presentation @ the Smithsonian in August people were actually tearing up in the back of the room and that effected him.). I would definitely go to a lecture on the short films. If he chose to do a book on Michael's music and/or the short films. I would get that as well.
Reuben Jackson also mentioned a YouTube clip of The Jackson 5 performing "Never Can Say Goodbye" on the Flip Wilson show that highlighted some of what he touched on in his lecture. I was jazzed that he mentioned YouTube, no doubt it's definitely a treasure trove (I have my own little archive on there and everything.) I definitely think his lecture had something in it for everybody. I loved how easygoing and accessible Reuben Jackson was too. I was definitely not sorry, I ignored the rain and wind and went.
Reuben Jackson also mentioned a YouTube clip of The Jackson 5 performing "Never Can Say Goodbye" on the Flip Wilson show that highlighted some of what he touched on in his lecture. I was jazzed that he mentioned YouTube, no doubt it's definitely a treasure trove (I have my own little archive on there and everything.) I definitely think his lecture had something in it for everybody. I loved how easygoing and accessible Reuben Jackson was too. I was definitely not sorry, I ignored the rain and wind and went.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
f.ye. going out of business @ Beltway Plaza
This really bummed me out. I love this store. If the one @ PG Plaza goes out of business, I'm screwed as far as not having any other alternative but mail order to purchase the kind of stuff I like to buy when I have the extra cash. I also went in there looking at the Twilight stuff, they show Jacob absolutely no love. I think that's a d#@* shame. Most of the women @ the salon I asked said they liked Edward, because he "played hard to get". This whole thing never ceases to amaze/amuse me. It's funny, usually I'm all about the vampire (I have TruBlood in my kitchen cabinet at home, I kid you not.), this time, not so much...Racialiscious has a very interesting blog post on Jacob, that's truly worth checking out. I'm wondering if movie Jacob differs slightly from book Jacob, I'm a bit wary though, because as I said, I didn't like the series, nor did I like how the author chose to handle Jacob's character. I could get into more detail (as I want to sound at least halfway coherent), but I would have to reread the books and give the movies a shot first...Unfortunately, the Twilight saga is not a series I would eagerly read and reread...So, that makes doing commentary a bit difficult for me...
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