Friday, November 20, 2009

TGIF Post #1

I flaked out and forgot my disc drive today (Seems like most of the time I either leave the house like Dagwood in the morning or like Shaun in Shaun of the Dead, half asleep, half awake. When I do one of those two things, I inevitably forget something.), so I can't do what I was trying to do as far as my forum stuff today...I guess if it waited this long, it can wait a few more days or weeks...

I figured out how to work my DVR last night, I'm giddy with delight. :)

I think that I'll go see Thriller Live if and when I do wind up going to London.

Last night I was watching The Vampire Diaries...if it weren't for Ian Somerhalder (he bored me on Lost as Boone, but here on this show...he's like dynamite.) , I swear that show would put me to sleep. It was nice seeing Jasmine Guy (Still working! Yes!) and Bianca Lawson (I'm still mad that they killed of Kendra on Buffy.) on last week though.

The Ian Somerhalder thing...some of my friends and relatives don't get my Baskin Robbins thing...I've been this way since I was 5 years old, and I doubt shock treatment could even get rid of it. I don't know where I got it from and at this point, I don't even really care. I think men of all colors can be fine (This guy on the train kept playing with my wings on Halloween night, it was bizarre...) Inside matters just as much to outside to me though, and that's why I'm such a slow mover...A lot of people who know me don't get that either, but I digress...

I saw this really nice area rug I'm trying to get for my living room and I want to get some other odds and ends from the Home Depot. Other than that, I think I'm going to take it slow this weekend. I thank God next week will be a short one.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

One of many WTF moments @ Madame Tussaud's

This past weekend, I was at the Madame Tussaud's in New York. I've been to the one in D.C., but it wasn't set up the same...The MT in NY had more floors for one, but I noticed something bizarre. I forget which floor it is, but you wind up walking through a candy store (Is this a metaphor of some sort? WTF???!!!). I can't remember if this is before or after you walk through the VIP party (The Lenny Kravitz wax figure's fro was uneven, so while I'm messing with that, I somehow forget to take a pic with him too. I can only blame myself, but then again I don't look like a model and couldn't really see myself with the real deal, although I think he's gorgeous, so maybe that's why I didn't bother.). Then, we got to a room where they were doing a movie screening and popcorn was offered amongst other things...At the entrance/exit, there was ice cream, with all these glorious toppings...I love Cinnamon Toast Crunch and they actually had that as a topping on ice cream...I love both ice cream and CTC a lot, but this was one instance where I had to pass on it. After looking @ Beyonce, Tyra, Angelina Jolie, and whoever else I'm supposed to want to stuff my face? They're kidding, right? I just came down from a size 10. Now, I'm something like 6/8. There's no way I want to go back to being a size 10 (not that there's anything wrong with being a size 10 +. Please don't get me wrong, but it's just not for me. That fact that I've got bad knees alone is enough to make me want to keep my weight manageable.). And they wonder why women have self-esteem issues in this country? Mixed messages abound...Maybe they trust people to have more self-control than they do...I haven't got a clue...I think it's another one of those things I'm never going to figure out in this lifetime.

Ms. Janet Jackson...

I did see the Robin Roberts interview last night. I was a bit too out of it to blog right after the broadcast or go to MJFC...Plus, I like to gather my thoughts before I type/write...

She reminded me of Michael so much, and in turn, both make/made me think of their mom. It's funny, even before his death, she just reminded me so much of him...They were kind of like fraternal twins to me (I know they weren't, but still in my mind...they were that connected...So to hear her say they were that close last night made a lot of sense to me...maybe that's what I was picking up on...)

I also got a kick out hearing that she called Michael "Mike"...I don't know why, but it just gives me the biggest tickle.

That imitation of Latoya...I don't even know her, and I just about died laughing...Janet was spot on.

On the revelation that Joseph Jackson told Janet she could make more money singing and switched her to that...I can't say I'm shocked, but certain things make more sense to me now, after hearing that.

I also want to make clear that although she does remind me of Michael, I never stopped seeing her as an artist in her own right...All those clips they showed last night, I was just giddy, because I remember seeing her on The Jacksons Variety Show, Good Times (Janet's Mae West imitations always tickled me too. That always struck me as so percocious though. She seems to shy to do that imitation now, which seems kind of odd now that she's old enough for the imitation to actually be appropriate. I've said it before, and I'll say it again...the American culture is just bizarre...I'm not knocking all of it, because that would make me a huge hypocrite, but no wonder so many people from foreign countries get here and go WTF???!!!!), Diff'rent Strokes, and Fame when those shows were first being aired. It brought back so many memories.

I'm glad to hear she's going to be pursuing acting more, I always thought she was good with the potential to get better.

I'm excited to hear that she's writing a book...I'd definitely buy it.

I'm not surprised that at certain points in the interview or at certain questions, she seemed to have a difficult time...No, if you've lost someone close to you, especially recently, it's not hard at all to understand...

It made me very sad to hear that she didn't know about the Propofol...That just seems to back up my belief that in all families members don't tell each other each and everything. Sometimes it can be really liberating and sometimes it can be really harmful, as with drug abuse and things of that nature.

I never saw Janet Jackson live either...I think maybe if she decides to tour...I'll add her to my list and go...

Wednesday, November 18, 2009


Hey all,

Sorry I'm not updating more often...I've got a co-worker out this week, and I'm her back up. Not to mention rushing here and rushing there has me completely worn out. Some of it is my own doing though, so I can only complain so much.

I'll have to try the Greenbelt Kinko's as some stuff isn't working at the 24 hour DC location. It's an excellent place to get extra picture prints though. : D They're even cheaper than CVS.

Zipped to New York last weekend. London's next, but I'm not sure when. I know I want to do it before the end of the year...As for my reasons, I don't really want to get into them. My dad won't be thrilled. How do you explain your love of travel to the very person who likely helped give it to you in the first place? I don't know where, when, or how he lost it, but I really wish he hadn't . I feel like he's really missing out on life because of it. He seems to enjoy shutting himself off from the world, he feels safer that way, so I guess there's nothing I can do but watch him do that...or get into a really draining discussion/argument that would make both of us feel lousy, which I definitely don't want to do.

I want to visit my aunt in Florida.

I want to go to some parts of Mexico and Egypt, but I'm a little too scared to venture out there right now. I've got my passport though, which is half the battle. I would also like to know a little more Spanish and Arabic before I go too. When I go to Egypt, I would also like to cover up, so that they can see that I'm not an arrogant American, I do have respect for the culture.

I also want at some point to go to Luray Caverns (for Mom. We asked her during those last few years, but she said "No". I never quite got over that. ).

I want to go to Bootsy Collins's restaurant in Ohio too. (I know that's a little thing, but still.)

I've seen George Clinton live. I want to see Chuck Brown too, at least once...

So much to do, so little time... I always feel like there just aren't enough hours in a day, I guess now y'all can kind of see why.

I also want to get back into painting, drawing, and photography again.

If my budget allows, I would also like to take a yoga class or two. Anything that will help me stave off my insomnia can do nothing but help at this point (and yes, I've tried chamomille tea).

I'll try and post some more pictures on here as well as facebook within the next few weeks.

I'll be curious to see what Janet Jackson says in her interview with Robin Roberts tonight, after Glee , I'm definitely watching that.

Heard they cancelled Eastwick, can't say I'm surprised.

I've been wanting to go see Precious, but I wanted to read Push first. Unfortunately, other people must have had the very same idea, because I can't find it anywhere. :( It's sold out every place I've been, which is both good and bad when you think about it. (Bad because as usual I'm moving to slow. Good because I love to see Black/African-American/People of Color reading.))

Well, that's all from me for now...

Thursday, November 12, 2009

TV news I can't believe...

Guess I'm not jaded enough yet.

Dollhouse has been cancelled. This I sort of saw coming. Plus, when something is moved to a Friday or Saturday night, they can just basically forget it. I've rarely seen an exception to this rule.

The Ladies No. 1 Detective Agency- I love this show! However, I found out it's still "up in the air", whether or not there will be a second season. }:( Hell of a cliffhanger to leave us with don't you think? They could have at least wrapped up the loose ends. Hopefully, if they don't decide to come back for a second season, they can at least have a special that ties up all the loose ends.
Bad enough Girlfriends was taken off the air without a resolution. It's not as if there's an abundance of good Black TV out there anyway, so I feel like we need all we can get, don't you?